Betsy Ross “ Today American Knight holds the Commercial Supremacy of the World”
Elizabeth Griscom Elizabeth was her real name but her parents called her Betsy Elizabeth was born on January 1, 1752 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Her mom had seventeen kids and Elizabeth was the eighth child
Parents Betsy’s parent’s names were Rebecca and Samuel Griscom.
Stop At age twelve Betsy stopped going to school because her dad wanted her to learn a trade.
Webster’s After Betsy stopped going to school she worked at Webster's Upholstery Shop.
John also worked at Webster’s John Ross John also worked at Webster’s John and Betsy got married in November 1773. John and Betsy opened a shop named Ross Upholsterers. John died in a gunpowder explosion on January 21, 1776.
Rename After John died Betsy renamed the shop E. Ross Upholsterer.
Joseph Ashburn Betsy married Joseph in 1777 They had Zillah that died as a baby and Elizabeth was born Joseph died in prison because he was taken there during sea battle
George Washington George and his men went to Betsy’s shop and asked her to make a flag with thirteen stars and stripes but Betsy said five sided stars would be better so she did
John Claypoole Betsy married John in 1783 They had Clarissa, Susannah, Rachel, Jane, and Harriet who died as a baby After thirty-four years of marriage John died from a disability
Retiring At age 75 she stopped running her upholstery shop because her eyesight was failing
Death Betsy Ross died on January 30, 1836 at age 84
Legend Legend says it is not proven that Betsy Ross made the American flag