Abscond: (v) to run off and hide After committing a crime, smart criminals attempt to abscond from the scene.
Access: (n) approach or admittance to places, persons, things; an increase; (v) to get at, obtain
Anarchy: (n) a lack of government and law; confusion
Arduous: (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort
Auspicious: (adj.) favorable; fortunate
Biased: (adj.) favoring one side unduly; prejudiced
Daunt: (v) to overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten, discourage Rebuilding New Orleans was a daunting task. Fighting the dragon daunted the blue knight.
Disentangle: (v) to free from tangles or complications The snakes are trying to literally disentangle themselves. Richard Nixon was unable to disentangle himself from a web of lies .
Fated: (adj.) Determined in advance by destiny or fortune Some felt that McCain was fated to lose the election due to his associations with George W. Bush. In the movie Meet Joe Black, Anthony Hopkins character is fated to die.
Hoodwink: (v) to mislead by a trick, deceive
Inanimate: (adj.) not having life; without energy or spirit
Incinerate: (v) to burn to ashes
Intrepid: (adj.) very brave, fearless, unshakable
Larceny: (n) theft
Pliant: (adj.) bending readily; easily influenced
Pompous: (adj.) overly self-important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious
Precipice: (n) very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster
Rectify: (v) to make right; correct
Reprieve: (n) a temporary relief or delay; (v) to grant a postponement Amnesty Day! DEADLINE EXTENSION!
Revile: (v) to attack with words; call bad names