8th Grade Advanced Language Arts 2015-2016 Mrs. Chris Forster 8th Grade Advanced Language Arts 2015-2016 "Knowledge becomes power only when we put it into use.” Anonymous
My Background Personal Teaching District Married. Two children. One dog. Teaching 34th Year. 27th Year in RCS. 13th Year at VH Previous: University Hills, West Middle, Oxnard, CA, Centerline, MI. District Teacher Leader 12 years, Oakland Schools ELA Pilot & Review Team, New Teacher and Student Teacher Mentor, Harvard’s Project Think from the Middle Presenter, AARI Training, VH Blue Ribbon Schools teacher representative. 2015 Pino Excellence in Education Award
Curriculum & the Common Core Common Core – Standards and Benchmarks Goal might be to identify how setting affects plot Curriculum – the materials and units used to meet goals. i.e. Unit 4: Analyzing Theme & Symbol
How is this class “Advanced" Higher level reading materials Higher expectations for writing Higher level questions & in-depth answers that analyze selections
How is this class “Advanced" Special emphasis on the reading/writing connection Complex Sentence Structure More independent work Projects, presentations
Why is ALA 8 more difficult? All work is assessed based on merit and quality. No credit is given simply for finishing work. Expectation for answers is to cite multiple pieces of textual evidence and use that evidence to analyze selections for rhetorical devices.
What is a good answer? Specific details are “lifted” from the text to support any inferences made. Includes enough elaboration to completely answer the question. Responses reflect deep understanding of text. Extraneous details are omitted.
How do the actions of Napoleon exemplify the phrase “Power Corrupts?”
Weak Response Napoleon was corrupt. He had trained the dogs so they chased Snowball out of the farm and anytime someone tried to speak out about this his dogs would threaten the animal by growling at them.
Strong Response . . . Napoleon used his position to manipulate the animals and get what he wanted. Squealer convinced the other animals the pigs needed more luxuries and benefits because they were the brains of the farm. Soon, Napoleon began changing the commandments. Napoleon trained the puppies in private, and used them to run his former partner, Snowball, off the farm. None of the other animals can question him, and he maintains power through fear of his dogs. . . .
Please note that I grade on TOTAL POINTS. Grade Spreadsheets Please note that I grade on TOTAL POINTS. An assignment that is worth only a few points often shows up on a Progress Report as low score when it actually has little effect on the grade. i.e. 3/4 + 18/20 + 27/30 = 48/54 = 89% 75% + 90% + 90% = = 85%
Extra Credit Extra Credit is not available for students in ALA. Correcting and Returning work Only First Quarter Only if score is not passing.
Special Scores IP = In Progress NHI = Not Handed In AB Your student was here but did not have his/her assignment. AB Child out when work was assigned or corrected IP = In Progress Student has not completed absent work, but he/she has received the assignment
Checking Progress My RCS – Allows you to access your student’s information. Make sure I have your email address. Twitter – MrsForsterLA Webpage – I post lesson plans. Although there might be slight changes, you will know about important due dates.
Communication School phone: (248)726-4900 Van Hoosen Website My extension is 4941 I am available after school or from 10:54-11:51 Van Hoosen Website E-mail: cforster@rochester.k12.mi.us Twitter: @MrsForsterLA
Thank You "Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there." Josh Billings