Digital Advisory Board October 2016
NZ Health Strategy
Integrated change framework Consumer Funder Clinician Facilities Technology Workforce
A Digital Future “This morning my clinical coach received an alert from the wearable device that monitors my vital signs. The ingestible told her I’d taken my meds, and the smart system predicted that my dosage needed to be adjusted. After consulting by video we update my health record. The 3D printer installed in my home by the wellness team prints the new medications in line with my schedule for the day” “My smart system alerted me when my patient’s recordings deteriorated. I often know before they do. I video with the patient and we discuss and agree the new medication regime recommended by the smart system. We flag continuous monitoring for the next 24 hours and the care team are alerted.” 16/11/2018 General Manager – PT Maju Terus
Digital transformation Bi-Modal approach to Innovation Digital transformation Traditional IT 16/11/2018
Innovation Principles Developing an Innovation Framework Innovation Principles Facilities Technology Workforce 16/11/2018
The Case for Change The Digital Advisory Board is here to encourage innovation as we move towards the Digital Future To facilitate, encourage and support digital networks of innovation We need your ideas, your passion, your leadership – no permission required How should we engage? How can we help? To engage contact: Giles Southwell 16/11/2018