What to expect? Core modules Introduction Finding out relevant literature General guidelines for literature appraisal Abstract and Introduction appraisal Methods and Results appraisal 1 - Patients and procedures Methods and Results appraisal 2 - Data collection/management and descriptive analysis Methods and Results appraisal 3 - Inferential analysis Discussion and Conclusions appraisal
Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: Discussion appraisal The Discussion is an important part of the article, but its main strengths vary according to the reader Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: To put into context the study findings To get acquainted with the current research context, in light of the study findings To identify strengths and shortcomings of the study To plan further research
Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: Discussion appraisal The Discussion is an important part of the article, but its main strengths vary according to the reader Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: To put into context the study findings To get acquainted with the current research context, in light of the study findings To identify strengths and shortcomings of the study To plan further research
Discussion appraisal Holmes JAMA 2006
Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: Discussion appraisal The Discussion is an important part of the article, but its main strengths vary according to the reader Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: To put into context the study findings To get acquainted with the current research context, in light of the study findings To identify strengths and shortcomings of the study To plan further research
Discussion appraisal Holmes JAMA 2006
Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: Discussion appraisal The Discussion is an important part of the article, but its main strengths vary according to the reader Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: To put into context the study findings To get acquainted with the current research context, in light of the study findings To identify strengths and shortcomings of the study To plan further research
Discussion appraisal Ong JACC 2005
Discussion appraisal Keeley Lancet 2004
Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: Discussion appraisal The Discussion is an important part of the article, but its main strengths vary according to the reader Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Discussion: To put into context the study findings To get acquainted with the current research context, in light of the study findings To identify strengths and shortcomings of the study To plan further research
Discussion appraisal
Discussion appraisal
Conclusions appraisal Conclusions are often embedded in the Discussion, and should repeat the Abstract conclusions Some of the reasons to read (carefully) the Conclusions: Is the authors’ interpretation of the findings of the study balanced and satisfying? Is there any leap of frog? What is the take home message?
Conclusions appraisal Holmes JAMA 2006
Conclusions appraisal Holmes JAMA 2006
The more structered the Discussion, the more readable and informative! Teaching point The more structered the Discussion, the more readable and informative!
The more structered the Discussion, the more readable and informative! Teaching point The more structered the Discussion, the more readable and informative!
The more structered the Discussion, the more readable and informative! Teaching point The more structered the Discussion, the more readable and informative!
And now some rest!