OGC Testbed 13 Outcomes and Information on the OGC Testbed 14 Cristiano Lopes 12/04/2018
OGC Testbeds - Recall Part of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Interoperability Program (IP). The IP provides global, hands-on, collaborative prototyping for rapid development and delivery of proven candidate specifications to the OGC Standards Program. A Testbed is a collaborative research and development effort to develop, architect, test, and demonstrate candidate standards for interoperability. In a Testbed participants collaborate to examine specific geo-processing interoperability questions posed by the initiative’s Sponsors. Testbeds are all about experimentation and exploration of solutions that can be in the future used for standards.
TB13 Earth Observation Clouds (EOC) Thread Thread composed of two independent Work Packages. Sponsored by NRCan and ESA. Cloud API interoperability Look into into how Cloud APIs can be standardized, so interaction with different clouds would have minimal impact on the customer’s components. Changing cloud services across providers would be a smooth experience. Thematic Exploitation Platform - Application portability Investigate how to easily transfer an application or application components from one cloud service to a comparable cloud service and run the application in the target cloud service, without making significant changes to the application code. NRCan – Natural Resources Canada
Watch Video… TB13 EOC Outcomes: Engineering Reports: EP Application Package Engineering Report (17-023) [ESA] Application Deployment and Execution Service Engineering Report (17-024) [ESA] Cloud Engineering Report (17-035) [NRCan] Video (ESA Part): ESABox (temporary download): Large (password: “Esa12345.” until 11/July) Or OGC Members: Large or small files Watch Video…
OGC Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon 2018 Goals: Test and advertise TB-13 findings Collect feedbacks on open points from wider audience Schedule: KO: 22 March at Orleans TC Decision telco: 10 April Preparation conference: 19 April Demo: 3-4 May in ESOC ER published: 31 May
OGC Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon 2018 Participation: 9 organisations (diverse profiles) Backgrounds on EO Science, Large Integration, Platform service providers, cloud experts. Linked to existing activities: H2020 openEO, H2020 EOPEN, EO4SEE (think regional initiative), Copernicus RUS, Proba-V MEP
Testbed 13 EOC EP – Hackaton Feedback… Point 1: application package definition OWS context based WPS describe process based Point 2: application registration on ADES WPS-T based implementation Specific operation Point 3: application input/output management (TBC) System provided fetching functions Info written in environment variables Other (parameter file)
Testbed 14 – KO Right now in Reston, VA, USA Thread 1: Modeling, Portrayal, and Quality of Service (MoPoQ) Thread 2: Earth Observation & Clouds (EOC) Information Registries & Semantic Enablement Swath Data and the Climate Forecast Convention (NASA) Application Schema Modeling and Conversion Exploitation Platform (ESA, ATOS) Portrayal Thread 3: Next Generation Services (NextGen) MapML Quality of Service & Experience (QoSE) Next Generation OGC Web Services, Federated Clouds, Security & Workflows Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Complex Feature Handling LiDAR Point Cloud Data Handling CityGML and Augmented Reality Thread 4: Compliance (CITE) Compliance and Interoperability Testing
Testbed 14 EOC/EP –Expanding to more scenarios From Application Packages to Application Chaining Simple workflows of Applications From fully open flows to Secure Commercial Interfaces Authentication, Authorisation and Billing
Testbed 14 – EOC/EP – Visual Presentation
Testbed 14 EOC/EP Next Generation Services
Testbed 14 – Schedule Highlights… Kick-Off Event 10-12 April Initial ER and Component Designs June Component Implementations July Test definition August Test runs September Draft ER October Final ER November Demo Event (Aligned to TC Meeting tbd December Draft Engineering reports are expected by October. First tests are expected by September, concluded within the month.
Ground Segment System Engineer Earth Observation Programmes Cristiano Lopes Ground Segment System Engineer Earth Observation Programmes Phone: +39 06 941 80735 Email: cristiano.lopes@esa.int