(with special thanks to Year 1 Sport) Health & Safety in ICT (with special thanks to Year 1 Sport) Health & Safety in ICT This is a podcast to introduce you to some of the most common problems regarding health & safety when using computers on a regular basis. We will look at what can be done to reduce the risks. It is important after watching this presentation that you put these recommendations into practice both in college and at home, to ensure good health and safety practice at all times.
How to sit at the computer? Back straight and leaning on back rest Eyes level with top of screen Arms level with desk Elbows and knees at 90 degrees Let’s start with the basics and look at how to sit at the computer. First of all your back should be straight. The chair should be adjustable so that you can lean on the back rest. Make sure that the chair is the correct height so that your eyes are level with the top of the screen, your arms are level with the desk, elbows and knees are at 90 degrees and your feet are firmly on the floor. Wrists should be straight and fingers curved. Many computer users suffer serious back problems. This is probably due to a poor posture or an awkward position while sitting at a computer. Solutions A fully adjustable chair should avoid poor posture. Footrests can reduce these problems. Screens should tilt and turn to a position that avoids awkward movements. Wrists straight and fingers curved Feet firmly on the floor
Chris is likely to get eye strain because he is too close to the computer.
i To prevent eye strain it is recommended that you sit at least 45 cm away from the computer. Try looking away from the screen at regular intervals and focus on a distant object to give your eyes a rest. It is also a good idea to have regular eye checks. Screen filters can remove a high percentage of the harmful rays emitted from a computer screen. Use screens that do not flicker. Do not work for more than one hour without a break. Lighting must be suitable and blinds fitted to windows to reduce glare.
Joanne is looking into the sunlight Joanne is looking into the sunlight. She is unable to see the computer screen properly. Sunlight is the best light but too much can cause eye strain, neck strain and headaches. Make sure that the lighting doesn't create glare on your computer screen. Remember to close the blinds or curtains on a sunny day. Too much sunlight
Repetitive Strain Injury RSI is Repetitive Strain Injury which is damage to the fingers, wrists and other parts of the body due to repeated movements over a long period of time. Dean has stopped working after an hour and taking a 5 min break. RSI can cause pain, aching, swelling, tenderness, numbness, pins and needles or a numbing sensation. To prevent RSI, make sure your posture is correct, use wrist-rests and have regular breaks. Repetitive Strain Injury
Bags and obstacles should be stored out of the way so that people can't trip over them. Desks should be stable and there should be enough room around the computers for ventilation. Bags on the floor
Food and drink should not be placed near computers Food and drink should not be placed near computers. Drinks could spill and cause a computer to brake or even cause electrocution to yourself. You should not have food around your computer as crumbs and bits of food will get trapped within the keyboard and mouse which is very unhigenic and may stop the keyboard from working. Food and drink
Ensure there are no trailing wires across or around the room which people could trip on Electrical sockets should not be overloaded Electrical equipment should be safety tested at least once a year Trailing Wires
Spot the mistakes Can you spot at least 4 mistakes that Lisa is making?
Quiz What does RSI stand for? Why is it recommended not to have food and drink near a computer? How long is it recommended that you work at a computer before taking a break? Name 2 things that can prevent eye strain? What kind of chair is recommended for working at the computer? Explain how you should sit at the computer. For your portfolio evidence make sure that you follow the health & safety procedures in class and at home. Write a report on how YOU follow these procedures using the suggested heading and suadings. Further information can be found on the BBC bitesize website.
Portfolio Evidence (1.1.h, 2.1.h) FOLLOW the health & safety procedures in class and at home. WRITE a report on how YOU follow the health & safety procedures mentioned in this podcast. Further information can be found on the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/implications/3healthandsafetyrev1.shtml For your portfolio evidence make sure that you follow the health & safety procedures in class and at home. Write a report on how YOU follow these procedures using the suggested heading and suadings. Further information can be found on the BBC bitesize website.