Predicting the Weather Water and the Atmosphere - Chapter 4 Lesson 6
Meteorologist Mish Michaels Mish Michaels uses computers in her work every day to sort data from weather satellites, radar, and weather stations from all over the world. Then she shares her weather forecasts with Boston television viewers. Michaels became interested in weather while in kindergarten in Maryland. She watched a tornado damage her family’s apartment complex. Since then, she has been fascinated by storms. Michaels went on to major in meteorology at Cornell University. Michaels is devoted to educating others about weather. She supports the WINS program (Women in the Natural Sciences) of Blue Hill Weather Observatory in Milton, Massachusetts. The program inspires girls to pursue careers in math, science, and technology. Why do you think that meteorologists depend so heavily on computers? What subjects do you think future meteorologists need to study in school?
What Can You Learn From Weather Maps? The National Weather Service maintains weather maps that are snapshots of conditions at a particular time over a large area. Some show curved lines that connect places where certain conditions are the same. Isobars (-bar as in barometer) are lines joining places on the map that have the same air pressure. Isotherms are lines joining places that have the same temperature. Standard symbols on weather maps show fronts, areas of high and low pressure, types of precipitation, and temperatures.
How Do You Predict the Weather? The first step in forecasting is to collect data. This can be done either through direct observations, such as recognizing that cumulonimbus clouds may produce a thunderstorm, or through the use of instruments such as a barometer. Meteorologists are scientists who study and try to predict the weather. Meteorologists use maps, charts, computers, and other technology to analyze weather data and to prepare weather forecasts.
How Do You Predict the Weather? Weather reporters get their information from the National Weather Service, which uses weather balloons, satellites, radar, and surface instruments to gather data. Weather balloons carry instruments into the troposphere and lower stratosphere to measure temperature, air pressure, and humidity. Satellites in the exosphere, the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, collect data on temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed and direction. They also include cameras that can make images of clouds, storms, and snow cover.
How Do You Predict the Weather? Automated weather stations in 1,700 surface locations gather data on temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, rainfall, and wind speed and direction. Computers help process all of this weather data quickly to help forecasters make predictions. Currently, forecasts are fairly accurate up to five days in the future.
Predicting the Weather Real World Inquiry Weather forecasting is a complex business. Meteorologists must interpret information from several sources including maps, charts, computers, and other technology to analyze weather data and make predictions. At the National Hurricane Center, data from aircrafts, ocean buoys, and satellites are used to predict the path of a hurricane. bb92-4233ea0e9d2f/16/tier/4fcb3601-e583-38ce-b900- 09bce1e35dc7/15/lesson/acfad092-fd30-3e72-be88- 36ebcdaa63a7/15/content/1e61e74f-4afb-3127-b71a-ae0ca778e1e8/16