Arachidonate Metabolism Title slide - C20 metabollism
Eicosanoid Function Inflammatory response Pain & fever Regulate blood pressure Induce blood clotting Induce labor Regulate wake/sleep Six functions of C20-derived compounds
Prostaglandin structures.
The synthesis of prostaglandin precursors.
Recovery of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids.
The two biosynthetic pathways: cyclic & linear.
The cyclic pathway with the site of action of aspirin.
The reactions catalyzed by PGH2 synthase with two enzyme activities on the same protein: cyclooxygenase and peroxidase.
The X-ray structure of PGH2.
NSAID structures.
Aspirin acetylates ser 530 and blocks the cyclooxygenase activity.
The lipoxygenase-catalyzed oxidation of arachidonate to 5-HPETE.
The formation of leukotrienes.