Expand and Rearrange Sentences Ms. Taylor 2nd Grade 770-578-7200 jessica.taylor2@cobbk12.org Ms. Taylor’s Sailors Week of January 15, 2018 A Peek at Our Week WEEKLY HOMEWORK Reading: Lesson/ Moral of the Story We will learn how to recount stories (fables, fairytales, and folktales) from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, moral, or lesson. Writing Choose a writing prompt from the January writing calendar Spend time editing/ revising once you have finished your piece Math: Word Problems with Money We will learn how to solve word problems using dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using the dollar and cent sign correctly. Math IXL Play “That’s a Fact” to practice addition/ subtraction facts. Writing: Opinion Writing We will learn how to write an opinion piece by introducing the topic, stating an opinion, supplying reasons that support the opinion, using linking words and providing a closing statement. Spelling Choose an activity from the January Speller’s Choice activity sheet S.O.S for the weekly words – over, want, even Reading Read aloud for 20 minutes – practice determining the moral or lesson learned (if applicable) Raz Kids Science: Civil Rights We will identify and describe the contributions of Martin Luther King, Jr. S.S./ Science Review Martin Luther King Jr. flip book Class Blog: http://www.cobblearning.net/taylor2/ Spelling & Word Study Spelling/ Reading Rule Language Skill Mark Your Calendar Controlled R When a vowel is directly followed by the letter r, the r changes the sound of the vowel. Example: bark - the vowel a has neither the short or the long vowel sound. Expand and Rearrange Sentences We will learn how to produce, expand, and rearrange complete, simple, and compound sentences. Ex: The boy watched the movie. The little boy watched the funny movie after dinner. January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School) January 23 – School wide STEM Night (6:00- 7:30PM) January 24 – Well Star In House Field Trip – wear blue class t-shirt Weekly Words over, want, even