Theme in Fairy Tales Yeh-Shen
Standards LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.1a: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.1b: Use specific details from the text (words, interactions, thoughts, motivations) to support inferences or conclusions about characters, including how they change during the course of the story. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.1c: Use the specific details from the text to support inferences and explanations about plot development. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.2a: Select key details about a character and relate those details to a theme within the text. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.2b: Determine the theme(s) of a story, drama or poem, including how it is conveyed through particular details. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.2c: Summarize a text from beginning to end in a few sentences without including personal opinions. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.3a: Describe how the plot unfolds in a story. LAFS.6.RL.1.AP.3b: Analyze a character’s interactions throughout a story as they relate to conflict and resolution. LAFS.6.RL.1.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LAFS.6.RL.1.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. LAFS.6.RL.1.3: Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Monday Bell Ringer Carter G Woodson, Ph.D., was a teacher who studyed and wrote about African american history. When he saw that the accomplishments of black Americans where often left out of history books, he started a special week to help educate people In 1976, the week in february became a month-long celabration, known today as African American History Month. In school, have you learned how African American’s such as Harriet Tubman Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks changed our world.
answer Carter G. Woodson, Ph.D., was a teacher who studied and wrote about African American history. When he saw that the accomplishments of black Americans were often left out of history books, he started a special week to help educate people. In 1976, the week in February became a month-long celebration, known today as African American History Month. In school, have you learned how African Americans such as Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks changed our world?
Yeh-Shen Read the story on page 335. Create a plot map and fill in the details as you read. Setting and Characters Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution
Exit Ticket On an index card, write 2-3 sentences determining the theme of the story “Yeh-Shen.”
Tuesday Bell Ringer Synonyms – words that mean the same The man’s incredible wisdom impressed all of us. a. intelligence b. bravery c. fellowship d. insanity
Rotations 1. Teacher Station 2. Computers 3. Partners Complete “Analyzing the Text” in a small group. Type a summary using only your plot diagram from yesterday. Begin your own A.B.C. version of a popular Fairy Tale. This will be graded based on your summary rubric. You may brainstorm with your partner, but everyone must complete their OWN story.
Wednesday Bell Ringer Synonyms – words that mean the same We couldn’t believe how fast we ate the entire pizza. a. small b. enormous c. whole d. entitled
Fairy Tales Finish your A.B.C. Fairy Tale and determine the theme.
D.E.A.R. Time Please find your seat and read quietly Remember! Your book report will be due at the end of the month.
Thursday Bell Ringer Synonyms – words that mean the same The movie horrified us so much that neither of us could sleep that night. a. calmed b. inspired c. elated d. frightened
Yeh-Shen Test
Performance Task We have seen many themes in the lives of the people we have been studying. Colin Powell values hard work, and giving your best to whatever you do. Chief Wilma Mankiller was a poor girl from Oklahoma who grew up to be the first woman chief of the Cherokee Nation. Robert Frost teaches through his poem that the decisions you make can shape your destiny. What is the theme of your life? What are your words to live by? What experience(s) in your life have taught you to live by these words? You will compose a speech (5 min) detailing your life theme, and the memories or stories that have shaped that theme. Think about: why this theme is relevant to your classmates (audience).
Friday Bell Ringer Rosa Parks, “the first lady of the civil rights movement,” was born February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee Alabama. On December 1, 1955, Parks was arrested after refusing a bus drivers demand to give up her seat to a white passanger. Her courageous act of defiance inspired the montgomery bus boycott. Today Parks are revered for her principaled stand against racial segregation. However, in 1955, Parks face significant backlash for her actions, including the lost of her job and threats of violence in 1999, the U.S. Congress awarded her the Congressional Gold Medal.
ANSWER Rosa Parks, “the first lady of the civil rights movement,” was born February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. On December 1, 1955, Parks was arrested after refusing a bus driver’s demand to give up her seat to a white passenger. Her courageous act of defiance inspired the Montgomery bus boycott. Today Parks is revered for her principled stand against racial segregation. However, in 1955, Parks faced significant backlash for her actions, including the loss of her job and threats of violence. In 1999, the U.S. Congress awarded her the Congressional Gold Medal.
Present Speeches Please show respect to your classmates presenting. This can affect your grade.