NFREC Research Update
Plant Introductions
Experimental perennial peanut lines
Arachis pintoi
Student Activities Ben Anderson (new MS student) Perennial Peanut ornamental characterization Shade tolerance Miguel Castillo (new PhD student) Perennial peanut establishment into pastures Sarah Cathey (PhD, spring 2010) Cultivar differences in nodulation Soil type differences in performance Rhizobium strain molecular mapping
Ecoturf Low N Fertility High N Fertility
Arbrook Low N Fertility High N Fertility
Arbrook Pointed Leaf
Plugging Perennial Peanut into Pastures Multi-state SARE Sustainable Ag Grant UF, Texas A&M, LSU, UGA, Auburn
NASA and Florida Power and Light Solar Farms NASA and Florida Power and Light
FPL Propagules
Florida DOT: Utility Turf Potential
Field Day at NFREC-Quincy September, 2010 Ornamental Evaluations New Introductions Variety Trials Herbicide Trial Greenhouse Tours