South East High School PD Banked Day #13 March 7, 2017
Community Builder Find a partner with a God Tier like yours 2-3 mins Strategy: Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up 2-3 mins
Setting the Context Purpose: Outcomes: PLC reflection of peer-to-peer observations Revise lesson based on reflection Outcomes: Complete PLC reflection Have a completed revised lesson Strategy: Popcorn 1-2 mins
Norms Choose a Norm you aren’t too comfortable with, but are willing to try Strategy: Pair/Share 1-2 mins
PLC Lesson Design Timeline Cycle 3 Deliver/Observe/ Reflect/Revise Cycle 3 Plan/Deliver Kagan Strategies PD Cycle 3 Plan Teacher led PD January 10 PD Day #9 January 24 PD Day #10 February 7 & 21 PD Day # 11 & 12 March 7 PD Day #13 March 21 PD Day #14 Review: PD Day #14 will be teacher led workshops 1-2 mins
Instructional Plan 1 min Review: Remind the group that SWOG and RWAC were previous areas of focus and have not gone to the wayside. 1 min
PLC Time Cycle 3 1-2 mins
Pushing the Envelope- Conduct 3 Rounds Reflect Step 1: Each PLC member takes a question strip from the envelope. Step 2: PLC members take turns answering their questions, in numerical order, for 90 seconds while the others listen actively. Step 3: After everyone has answered their question, 2 minutes will be allotted for cross-talk, questions, suggestions, etc. Step 4: After each PLC member has answered the question, pass the question to the person next to you and repeat steps 1 through 3 Post Observation Reflection - Select a timekeeper before you begin. Timekeeper will allot 90 seconds for each participant… all 90 seconds must be used per speaker Strategy: Pushing the Envelope 20 mins
Post Observation Reflection Guiding Questions: As you reflect on the lesson, were students cognitively engaged in the work? How do you know? Did the students attain the lesson objectives? What is the evidence of their learning? How did the instructional strategies you chose support student learning? How do you know? Did you make adjustments to your plan as you taught the lesson? What, how, and why? Any other thoughts you would like to share about this lesson? Department breaks up into PLCs before the reflection starts. 20 mins
Focus Question: “What modifications/ revisions would you make to your lesson the next time you teach it?” PLC selects a facilitator/recorder Facilitator asks Focus Question to the PLC Facilitator records responses from each PLC member on chart paper PLC revises lesson plan and/or memorializes their responses for future lesson planning Revise Review: Revision activity 10 mins
PLC Check-In Share your collective progress and learnings from the observation reflection and revision activities Strategy: PLC Share Out (Charted Notes) Emphasize the importance to have each PLC share their collective progress and learnings from the observation reflection and the revision activity 5 mins
Teacher Led PD March 21st Sign-Up Window: Opens- 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 7th Closes- 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 17th Sign up for two different sessions (Sessions 1 & 2) LINK: 5 mins
Reminders Spring Child Abuse Awareness Training: 3/9 Last PD Banked Day #14: 3/21 Department Meeting: 3/21 Parent Conference Night: 3/23 Minimum Day: 3/24 Faculty Meeting: 3/28 WASC SS Focus Group Mtgs: 3/30 Unassigned Day (Cesar Chavez Day): 3/31 Spring Break: 4/10-14 Open House: 4/20 Minimum Day: 4/21 1 min