NOW YOU! Construct and analyze a rhetorical situation for writing a review of a movie, video game, or concert. Be VERY specific in your analysis: What is your subject? What is your purpose? Who is your audience? What is your relationship to the audience? You do not need to write a full-blown essay—simply analyze the rhetorical situation! (SOAPSTone) You may choose your movie, video game, or concert
Ethos Greek for “character” Demonstrates credibility and trustworthiness Often emphasizes shared values between speaker and audience
Automatic Ethos in some instances, a speaker’s reputation establishes an automatic ethos the speaker brings ethos to the text.
Building Ethos So, what happens if you’re not a king? Writers and speakers often have to build their ethos by explaining their credentials or background to their readers, or my emphasizing shared values You’re more likely to listen to someone who is qualified to speak on a subject or who shares your interests or concerns
NOW YOU! Consider the following situation and brainstorm how you would build ethos for the following audiences. Remember, your RHETORIC is only as strong as how well you know YOUR AUDIENCE! You are presenting ways