January 30, 2017 Midterm Explained Essay issues: Underline titles of full length plays (e.g. Romeo and Juliet) Muti-paragraph response - means write more than ONE paragraph. Work on transitions. Plays are written, not made. Avoid repeating phrases.
We are going to look at three sample essays and talk about what the writers did well and what improvements we can aim for next time.
Sample One
Sample 2
Sample 3
Write down the way the directors create a "scary" scene. What makes a good "jump" scene in a movie? Write down the way the directors create a "scary" scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRhLxx3vKPo
We are now going to begin reading Edgar Allen Poe's "The Black Cat We are now going to begin reading Edgar Allen Poe's "The Black Cat." In addition to reading it closely for character development, our goal is to understand how Poe uses his word choice and story structure to create a feeling of suspense.
Horror Movies "The Black Cat" "cut one of the eyes from the socket" 1. inhumane actions torture 2. "Tomorrow I may die, I hope to unburden my soul" 2. Suspense and anticipation 3. Bottom of 124, "Stood body against wall." 3. Setting, dark, inhumane actions, psychological issues 4. Page 118 - "cats are witches in disguise" 4. isolation, non-human character Central Idea: Guilt, Insanity, Revenge
2-7-17 Structural Technique BC Similarity CoA Figurative Language chains Fortunado to wall, leaves to die Figurative Language cuts cat's eye out Gore chains Fortunado to wall, leaves to die Creepy basement wife is killed by an axe Imagery
2/6/17 Open to your literature section. Fold one page in half. Title one side, "Quota- tions from Text" and the other, "Thoughts from my Mind." Use the suggestions as a guide for what to look for in the text.
2/13/17 Only one with animal Axe - weapon Replacement animal Wife's death a surprise It was his "eye" Hear weird sounds Narrator gets caught Weapons used Guilt Suspense Murder Gory Creepy Male Psychotic Narrator Confession First Person Narrative Narrator does not get caught Narrator up front about wanting to kill victim Mattress Weapon
2-14-17 Let's look at the following three writing samples and see what improvements we can suggest.