The Renaissance
Renaissance, A Rebirth Rebirth of antiquity or Greco-Roman civilizations Recovery from the Black Death and all its consequences Revived emphasis on individual ability (humanism and secularism) New idea of the well-rounded or universal person 1350-1550
Begins in Italy England and France in Hundred Years’ War Urban region with many cities Cities had wealthy merchants to patronize the arts Concentrated in the city of Florence Medicis Does spread to the North
Values of the Renaissance Humanism: celebration of the individual Fame: seen in portrait painting and autobiographical writing Shift from glory of God to personal glory Secularism: enjoyed worldly pleasures Classical learning of the Greeks and Romans Is humanism bad? Is secularism bad? Signed names to art Worldly pleasures: after Black Death wanted to enjoy life b/c it could end; fine food, wine, jewelry, clothing and musice
The Renaissance Man “Universal Men” Excelled in many fields Strove to master almost every art “Man can do anything if he will.” –Leon Battista Alberti
The Renaissance Man Well educated in Greek and Latin classics Charming, polite, witty Could dance, write poetry, sing, play music Physically graceful and strong Skilled in riding, wrestling, and swordsmanship
The Renaissance Woman As educated as a man Knew the classics Could write well Charming Could paint, play music, dance BUT…. Not expected to seek fame as men did Expected to inspire but not write poetry or create art Did not take part in public/political life like men Had little political, economic, or social influence A muse Only wealthy, noble women had much say in public life
Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince Advice for rulers “the end justifies the means” “it is better to be feared than loved”