FRANCE Wendy Carrara International Relations Department Ministry of Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Service Directorate General for State Modernisation
The reduction of administrative burdens for users: a priority for the French Government The need to take into account specific needs accordingly : For Users Deliver quality services, work towards administrative simplifications, maintain regulatory quality. For Citizens Assure the readability and effectiveness of public policies as well as the means they dispose of For Taxpayers Guarantee savings through efficient management For Civil Servants Give value to jobs and careers, reassert the sense of missions of general interest and public service 2
Reducing AB for users is organised by the Directorate General for State Modernisation (DGME) The DGME is responsible for: Modernising the operating and management of the State Improving the services delivered to users Contributing to a more efficient use of public spending Mobilising all civil servants The use of online services to decrease administrative burdens The development of eGovernment : Is a strong lever for the modernisation of the State and public services Is a mean to improve the efficiency of public service 3
The evolution of eGovernment in France Sectorial Computing Information Society Adèle Programme The New Administration 2000 2003 2008 Development of Internet Development of services 2012 « best service at minor cost »
Sector-based initiatives Egovernment based AB has existed for several years In the health sector: Carte Vitale, was launched as a concept in 1995 In the fiscal sector: online filing of taxes with TeleIR (a Copernic project since 2001) Initiatives have been very sector-based Consequently, their impact has been insufficient, notably with regard to the issue of deficit reduction ADELE Plan : eGovernment programme
The Current French Context : Planning on 2008-2012 European dimension - i-2010 and beyond International prize list Directives and information systems Technological evolution free software maturity Interactive Web technologies New context RGPP Adèle 2012 Internet access equipment of households -14,5 millions homes (56%), of which 89% use broad band connexions Adèle 2008 Proven use of the Internet - Income tax : 7,4 millions filling online-declaration in 2007 - Birth certificates : 7000 demands per day New working ways mobility - digitisation of documents and processes - centralisation / devolution - versatility / specialisation - front office / back office
Reducing AB in action : a large consultation process http://www
Reducing AB in action : a large consultation process Launching of a national online poll in November 2007 : “Let’s simplify together” on the DGME’s website (Ministry of Budget) Aim : identify concrete ways to simplify AB for citizens Citizens vote for the administrative obligations they want to suppress or to simplify. Citizens are also invited to make suggestions. This poll should be at the basis of a new simplification wave. 8
Expectations of learning team From benchmarking to benchlearning : Develop the link between eGovernment and reducing AB for citizens Simplification policies are also based upon good practices implemented in other countries Exchange best practices to develop trans-border services for citizens 9