UNICEF Club 2017-18
School-In-a-Box Started in 1995 with the first box being delivered to Rwanda, Africa The purpose of the School-In-a-Box is to help re-establish learning as the first step toward restoration of normal schooling following an emergency such as natural disaster, war, etc. Each box has enough supplies for 1 teacher and 40 students Supplies include things like: solar radio, blackboard, pens, pencils, inflatable globe, compass, workbooks, crayons, etc. There are enough supplies in each box to last up to three months The School-In-a-Box is currently distributed within 12 countries including: India, Japan, Pakistan, Thailand, Liberia, Lebanon, Indonesia, Philippines, Ivory Coast, Libya, Haiti, and parts of the U.S. Each box costs $210 We are looking to donate a minimum of 6 boxes
Fundraising Ideas Our club hopes to have many different fundraisers that will raise money for school-in-a-box kits. We are hoping to partner with some of the local businesses, to have different events like selling cupcakes, a barbeque night, a food truck day, car washes, and more. The cost for joining the club is only $5 We are an “A” Club.