Get Ready for some Dungeons and Dragons Purpose: To make generalizations about Fantasy using the Fantasy Genre card (working as a team) To apply those generalizations to create a draft of a creative writing piece, in preparation for the end of our unit To incorporate some of the unit two vocabulary into our writing
We’ll first watch what a Dungeons and Dragons campaign looks like:
Creating your character: You can choose from any of the following list of characters. Like the characters in the scene, you have some options for what kind of character you want to be (and write about). Wizard Mage Paladin Mercenary Enchantress Barbarian Rogue Bard Healer Cleric Dark Knight Warlock Hunter Ranger Thief Assassin Warrior Berserker Monk Necromancer Druid Merchant Dwarf Villager
Now, write down your characters strengths and weaknesses For example: white mage Can heal for a lot of damage Has amount of energy Can cast spells for a long time Tends to support the rest of the team Can resurrect other characters in the party Tends to resolve/reconcile conflicts within the group Weaknesses Can not do any damage Can not survive long when taking a lot of damage at once Cannot wander off on his or her own Needs to rest after a long fight Tends to get taken advantage of
Setting In the realm of Dalaran, the hundred years war wages on; the elves, historically the upper class, works to drive back the lower classes, the dwarves, humans, goblins, etc. out of their holy and sacred land. The current battle wages on the outskirts of a major city, Darnassus, and the lower classes have lost a lot of territory. The land around the city is treacherous, filled with steep ravines, dangerous creatures, and a fog that never quite lifts. The party you are in is on the front lines, running low on supplies, and is in desperate need of rest. As you stop a local inn, The Forge and Anvil, you run into a curious traveler, who tells you of a sword, stuck in a stone, that if lifted, could turn the tide of the war.
Primary Conflict Your primary goal, after discussing this with the traveler, is to Complete the three trials, located in old temples in enemy territory. Collect the three amulets in those temples at the end of the trials. Then, travel to the final trail and merge all three amulets into the stone that will unlock the sword. Once you have the sword, you can use it to defeat the elves, equalize the social structure, and sign a treaty that ensures peace for the next one hundred years.
In your teams, begin your draft. Each team member should write what they are going to contribute to the discussion in the story. You should write the story from first person point of view (of your character). What does your character have to offer to the group? Decide on a final plan of action for approaching the trials. Example: Gimley is full of himself; he thinks he knows what he’s talking about but really, he’s as useless as a shield against a mage. I know that we should approach the trials according to geography, hitting the temples closest to the line of battle. I pause for a minute while Gimley finishes his rant to interject: “Gimley, while your point has some merits, it is far too dangerous compared to the plan I have outlined.”
Complications (roll the dye to establish the first complication) A- On your way to the first temple, you run into a giant, who is blocking the only walkable path to the entrance. B- Before your party leaves the inn, a dark lord ambushes your party. The dark lord is currently working for the elves. C- You decide to attempt to persuade a dragon to fly you to one of the temples, but quickly realize that the dragon is not going to help you and would rather eat you for lunch. D- You make it to the first temple only to step on a trap in the entrance. A thousand minions are summoned and attempt to halt your progress. E- The weather will just not cooperate as you make you journey to the second temple; the winds, freezing temperatures, and blizzard cause your party to stop repeatedly and search for shelter. F- Your party has no money or support for this mission, so you have to attend court to recruit sponsors. The problem with this is that members of your party do not know court rules and are terribly awkward. G- Someone in your party accidently picks up a lamp in the first temple, rubs the lamp, and calls forth a genie. At first, everyone thinks it’s great, until you realize the genie’s job is to make your job harder, for his own amusement.
Complications (roll the dye to establish the first complication) H- As your party snakes its way to the third temple, you run into a conquering horde of elves, on the lookout for scouting parties. I- The Elves convene a meeting with all the social classes in an attempt to resolve the conflict but it turns out to be a trap and now your entire party has to escape unscathed. J- One of your party members is a traitor, a mercenary working for the elves, feeding them information about your whereabouts. You have to figure out who the traitor is and remove them from the group. K- The bard that was giving your party run speed to make it to the temple before sundown is out of energy. You have to stop to rest and day turns into night. You look around and realize your party is surrounded by sirens and harpies. L- One of the members of your party has a vision that at the next temple, everyone will get caught in a deadly trap. No one in your party believes this person, until you fall into the trap. Then, that same person has another vision and this time its worse than the first. M- As you travel to the second temple, you realize that there are pockets of communities of fairies that live within the elven realm. They have information you need in order to complete the last trial, but are refusing to give that information to you.
Complications (roll the dye to establish the first complication) O- As your party camps one night, you hear music playing in the distance. Two members of the group decide to investigate, only to discover the music was an illusion; what’s really there is rather terrifying. P-One of the members of your party has been poisoned by some bad snagglewort and the only way to get medicine to cure the poison is by earning some money. You decide to join a traveling theatre group for a weekend to make enough money to buy the medicine but no one has any acting or musical talent at all, like really. Q-One of the members of your party gets lost in an attempt to find wood for the fire; he gets lost in the Eternal Swamp. People are known to go into the swamp but never come back. R- After a night of fun at the tavern, one of the party members unknowingly made a deal with a dark lord. In exchange for information about the third temple, the party member gave up one of the amulets. Now what will the party do? S- Two members of the party are arguing constantly over the plan of attack for the temples. The fighting has gotten so bad that it has lowered morale and spirits in the group and two people are thinking about leaving the party. T-Your party’s magic user tried to cast a spell to open up the door to the first temple but the spell backfired and now that magic user has been cursed; he actually was turned into turtle and has no recollection of anything. You need to undo the curse before moving on.
U- You get the three amulets and begin the ritual to turn it into the stone that will loosen the sword, but as you are mid spell, you realize that this was a trap and you are actually summoning the Demigorgan. V- As your party is making its way to the second temple, you stop at a tavern with a person who is looking for a group to fulfill his quest, to save his daughter who was lost in the woods. Your group takes the quest because you could use the money but as you venture into the woods, you quickly realize this was a mistake. W- Your party wakes one money after a long day and night and you realize that all of your supplies have been stolen. The party member who was supposed to keep watch overnight is passed out by the smoldering fire. X- Your party is snaking its way through some of the most treacherous mountains in the realm (because this route was supposed to be faster). On the journey, you encounter a set of three rock trolls, who require you solve a riddle in order to pass. The problem is you can’t even understand what the rock trolls are saying. Y- In the third temple, your party gets lost in a labyrinth. As your party wonders what the purpose of the labyrinth is, you discover a locked door that reads, do not open under any circumstances if you value your life and the lives of your friends. J/K, it’s the exit. Z- In the first temple you come across four statues who claim that treasure is buried beyond one of the doors they stand in front of. You have to solve a riddle in order to get to the correct treasure, but if you are wrong, you risk sudden death. As it turns out, all of the statues were…
Example of a complication written from your character’s point of view (Be sure to include a vocabulary word from units 1 or 2). Complication: Your party is out of supplies because you have been on the road for four months. Everyone is crabby and tired. Birone wondered how long it had been since he had a hot meal and a good cup of coffee. Actually, he didn’t want to think about it. I joined this party months ago and although the group had made progress on retrieving the amulets, the progress was slow and exhausting. Honestly, if we could get rid of two of our party members, Princess Raskin and her lover, Tom, the party would move much faster. Although, thinking about these kinds of things didn’t help though– he needed to solve their current problem: no food. Maybe I could join the circus or something for some extra cash, but really, who am I kidding, I have no talent. “Hey Birone, did you see this flyer posted to the tree?” asked Princess Raskin. “No, I didn’t but I don’t know if our party can handle such a thing in our state” I curtly replied. “Well, let’s do it anyway. Everyone, pack up and bring your swords, staff, wands, or whatever else you have.”
Now, share your writing with other members of the table and select the best one to be read with the class. The best one should: Solve the complication Include elements that distinguish the example as fantasy Represent the traits of your individual character well Have at least one of the vocabulary words from our unit The best example will earn a point for your team.