Using the Essential Learnings to plan units of work Workshop 6
Workshop aims To support teachers in using the Essential Learnings to develop units of work To align curriculum and assessment through unit planning
The five components of the QCAR Framework Essential Learningsclarify what to teach Standardsprovide a common language to describe student achievement Assessment Bankprovides online access to a collection of quality assessments and resources Queensland Comparable Assessment Tasks (QCATs) in Years 4, 6 and 9 provide evidence of what students know, understand and can do, and support consistency of teacher judgment Guidelines for Reportingsupport consistency of reporting
Think of a time when you planned and taught a quality unit. What made it successful?
Five processes that guide planning Identify curriculum Sequence teaching & learning Develop assessment Make judgments Use feedback
Learning and assessment focus Describes the focus of learning and assessment within the year-level juncture. Ways of working Describes the essential processes that students use to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Knowledge and understanding Describes essential concepts, facts and procedures of the KLA.
Select: Essential Learnings school priorities context for learning Identify curriculum
Choose: learning experiences teaching strategies Sequence teaching & learning
Choosing the context for learning
Context: How do we care for our local waterway?
More information on the QCAR Framework Website: