Ms. Baumeister English 10/H English 10 First Day Ms. Baumeister English 10/H English 10
Sit in your COLOR groups SWBAT: understand the expectations of English 10/H English 10 Collect SR notes Seating Charts Syllabus Course Q/A
Interactive Notebooks
Sit in your Color groups. Copy the objective (SWBAT Sit in your Color groups!!! Copy the objective (SWBAT..) onto the top of page 1 of your notebook. Follow that with the agenda for the day. SWBAT: 1. share their best thing/worst thing about break 2. understand the procedures for interactive notebooks Ice breakers notes
Best thing/Worst thing On your first page in your notebook, write down the best thing that you experienced over break, and the worst thing that you experienced over break. cannot be: had to come back to school and have Baumeister as your English 10 teacher as worst thing….
Best/Worst Whole Group Choose a leader from your table group They are going to share their best or worst things from your groups. Yes, leaders will need to share everyone’s best worst things. We may have questions, so be prepared
Interactive Notebooks Ms. Baumeister English 10/H English 10
What is an interactive notebook? A style of notetaking that utilizes as notebook as a collection of work to be reflected upon as a whole unit. Includes journal, reflection, notes, homework, objectives, summaries, organizational table of contents, foldables, etc.
How/Why does it work? Requires you to use both sides of your brain Requires you to record and respond to information in a manner that is organized, systematic, personal, and intentional Enables you to refer to that information more quickly and to apply it more effectively Provides a structure in which there is room for creative variation and requires thoughtful, self-directed interaction
Front cover of your notebook First and Last name Class Period English 10/Honors English 10
Inside Number your pages in the upper exterior corner of each page. Odds should be on the right hand pages, even numbers on the top left hand pages. Number to page 20 or so Count three lines from the bottom on every odd-numbered page (on the right side) and trace the fifth line from the bottom in highlighter or marker. This is where you will write your daily summary (what we did in class). You will do this everyday as your closing activity. You may want to write the word “summary” on your first line of the highlighted area
Inside front cover Glue the rubric to the inside of the front cover You should refer to it often to remind yourself of the expectations of this notebook Ms. Baumeister will staple a mini version to your notebook cycles after they have been graded.
Table of Contents Turn to the last page of your notebook Begin a table of contents Fold last page hotdog style and draw a line down the middle Number the even lines on the left side and the odd numbers on the right side. MAKE SURE THAT YOU LABEL THE FIRST LINE ON THE LEFT SIDE COVER NOT 2. Next to COVER write: Rubric Next to 1 write: notes about IN
Let’s get using these books Page 1 Heading: Things to remember about interactive notebooks
Day 2: Sit with your Number Groups!! SWBAT: Write their hopes and finish notes on notebooks. LS/RS Setup Hope activity Notes
Right side v left side of notebook Right side (odd pages) is your library Lecture notes, discussion, seminar, summary, foldables Left side (even pages) is your laboratory meaningful, authentic questions and seek their answers Journal Reflection
Guidelines for Notebooks Date a new page every day Copy the daily objective and agenda on RS Notes on RS Both listening and writing Do not depend on Ms. Baumeister to tell you what to write down Listen for verbal cues (repetition, “this is important”) Do not write everything down word for word unless directed Paraphrase instead Ask for clarification, rather than to repeat Use highlighters to mark important ideas
LS Journal #1: Reflection: What was the most important thing that you learned today? (3-5 sentences) RS Notes Summary
Journal #1 (Five sentences or more) What is the number one hope you have for yourself? Is this hope for you now, at the end of 10th grade? Five years into the future? How will succeeding in this hope affect your future?
Visual Hope Take a piece of printer paper and illustrate your hope. You can put your name on the back of it. You should fill the page, not just draw a stick figure in the corner. Also make sure to title the picture with what your hope is.