Agenda 1/3/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Notes (5 min) Geometry (30 min) Synthesis (3 min)
Seating Charts
Review of Proportions
Video for Area
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 1/4/2017 Reminder: Semester 1 Grades are due by Monday 1/9 Attendance (5 min) Warm Up/HW Check (5 min) Video (10 min) Angles (20 min) Synthesis (3 min) Reminder: Semester 1 Grades are due by Monday 1/9
Warm Up/HW Check
Khan Academy Mr. Smith’s class code: GWWV5S Earn 1 extra credit point per level completed
Video for Angles
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 1/5/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Warm Up (10 min) Review (15 min) Frayer Model (10 min) Synthesis (3 min)
Math Counts Thursdays after school in room 115 – Mr. Braddock’s room
Khan Academy Mr. Smith’s class code: GWWV5S Earn 1 extra credit point per level completed
Warm Up/HW Check
Vocabulary Complete a Frayer Model in your notes for the words: Quadrilateral Supplementary Complementary Area
Review Sesh wk17 Competition Rules If you win do not brag, if you lose do not show anger! Be a good sport.
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 1/6/2017 (43 min) Attendance (3 min) Quiz (40 min)