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Presentation transcript:

2016.3 action status & planning Michael Lutz 44th MIG-T meeting, Ispra 30-31 October 2017

Validator usage & feedback Considerable interest since launch of release 1.0 700+ tests in the past week User feedback is coming in Importance of helpdesk

2016.3 sub-group nominations 14 experts from 10 MS: ES, RO, NL, IT, PT, FI, SE, DE, FR, UK Expertise 9x MD 9x NS 4x Data

Support contracts 3 contracts planned Scope helpdesk support, FAQ MD, NS ATS/ETS development and maintenance, ETF maintenance and evolution, helpdesk Annex I ATS/ETS maintenance, Annex II+III ATS/ETS development Kick-off planned in December 2017 Workshop(s) with 2016.3 sub-group in early 2018

Options for JRC deployment Current limitations to 4 concurrent users Started investigations of a possible deployment in EC cloud Further development could investigate queuing of requests or asynchronous requests Agreement needed on scope of JRC instance central service that can be operationally used by all INSPIRE implementers reference implementation that should not be used in an operational setting + local deployments of the validation software