Science/Social Studies Mrs. Trainer’s Class Important Dates: Dec. 21 Two Hour Day Dec. 22-31st Winter Break Jan 8- Student Return from Winter Break Jan 11- 2nd 9 weeks report card December 18th – 21st Important Info & Reminders! Winter Brunch Food Sign-ups A flyer was sent home with your child to sign up to bring items for our Christmas Party Brunch. If you would like to help bring/make something, please return the form. I will send it back home with your child verifying your item, so that we don’t have duplicates! If you or others are planning on attending, please fill out the bottom portion with that information as well! Holiday Goodie Bag! Instead of exchanging gifts, we will just be doing a class goodie bag for each student. These will just be small trinket items such as bouncy balls, candy, and other toys! Please be sure to bring 19 items! Contact Me: TRAINERB@RCSCHOOLS.NET Math Reasonableness ELA Opinion Writing Phonics N/A Science/Social Studies Review Monday A- Computer Tuesday B-Art Wednesday C- PE Thursday 2 hour day Friday No School