Chenghong Li Ling Zhang Summary Chenghong Li Ling Zhang
Outline What’s cloning? Why clone? How to cloning? Today’s Legality Part One: What’s cloning? Why clone? How to cloning? Today’s Legality The future of clone Part Two: Production of clone
2018/11/16 What is cloning? Generating identical copies of organisms, cells, or replicating nucleic acid sequences from organisms There are mainly three kinds of cloning: (1) recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning (2) reproductive cloning (3) therapeutic cloning Today we mainly talk about reproductive cloning
why clone? 1. Cloning for medical purposes Cloning animal models of disease Cloning stem cells for research 2. Reviving Endangered or Extinct Species we can clone giant pandas and other endangered species to prevent them from dying out. Maybe we can also revive dinosaurs and other extinct animals by clone technology as the movies show.
Why clone? 3. Reproducing a Deceased Pet If you really love your pets, you could clone your beloved family cat. At least one biotechnology company in the United States offers cat cloning services, and they are now working to clone dogs. But don't assume that your cloned kitty will be exactly the same as the one you know and love.
Why clone? 4. Cloning Humans? To clone or not to clone: that is the question. The prospect of cloning humans is highly controversial and raises a number of ethical, legal and social challenges that need to be considered. We may have the technology to clone human but we should not do it before we accept cloned human.
How to clone Method of clone Embryo splitting- Artificially splitting a single embryo at a very early stage of development. In the natural process this would create twins. However, because this is done at an early stage and there are usually less than eight cells you can only make a few clones. Both the nuclear genes and mitochondria genes would be identical.
How to clone Method of clone Nuclear replacement- Genetic material (nucleus from embryonic, fetal, or adult cell) is removed and placed into an unfertilized egg or embryo, whose nucleus has been removed. In this case the nuclear genes remain the same but the mitochondria DNA would be different. This has the potential to create the clone of an adult organism as well as many clones at once.
Here is an example about how to clone sheep. 1 2 There are 2 sheep, sheep 1 and sheep 2. Sheep 1 is the sheep we are going to copy from.
How to clone First we will take some cell from sheep 1's body. 2 First we will take some cell from sheep 1's body. Then we cultivate the cell. What happens is the cell will then start to be active again.
How to clone And then we prepare a unfertilized ovum from another female cow. Next we will take another unfertilized ovum and by using a spoit, we will take out the cell from it.
How to clone After we take out the cell we will put the cell that we took from sheep 1 into the ovum that we have just emptied.
How to clone By using electric shock we will fuse the cell and the ovum together to be one fertilized ovum. This would be the cloned egg. Then we will put clone egg into sheep 2. The newborn will have the exact same DNA as sheep 1 and could be called cloned sheep.
Today’s Legality In Great Britain, clones are allowed to be made and born. Cloning does require a license, and scientists must follow strict guidelines. 1990 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act allows research on embryos for up to fourteen days. Most laws state that any embryo that has been researched upon cannot be then placed into a uterus.
Today’s Legality 1997 House bill prohibited use of federal money for experimentation with cell transfer technology to produce an embryo that is a human clone. Federal rules prohibit federal funding for embryo research. The bill allowed for continuation of federal research on plant and animal cloning. It did not affect research at biotech companies or academic institutions, which don't receive federal funding.
The future of cloning Research could give insight to origins of cancer and other cellular processes such as aging. Techniques could be used with nerve cells that do not regularly reproduce. Could possibly help Alzheimer or Parkinson’s sufferers. Nuclear replacement could help those with diseases that are inherited from mitochondria. The nucleus is removed from the diseased cell and placed into one with healthy mitochondria. Back>>
Production of Clone ---Made by Ling Zhang Dolly>>star of clone*^* C C>> Cuddly clone*^* Snuppy>>pitiful clone*^* Pander>>hot clone*^*
Dolly Gender: Female Breed: Mammal(哺乳动物) Birthday: 1996 7/5/ ---the world's most famous sheep Gender: Female Breed: Mammal(哺乳动物) Birthday: 1996 7/5/ Homeplace: Scotland Father: No father Mother: Three mothers Family: 5 Kids Death: 2003/2/14
Early cloning ---A flock of clones In 1995 a group of scientists at the Roslin(罗斯林) Institute in Edinburgh(爱丁堡) were looking for a way to modify farm animals genetically. A year before Dolly‘s birth, they found it. They cloned Megan and Morag from embryonic cells(胚细胞), grown for several weeks in the laboratory. Perhaps surprisingly, this breakthrough did not arouse much public - or media - interest.
The challenge ---how was dolly created? When you cut yourself, new skin grows over the wound because skin cells are 'programmed' to produce new skin. This is vital(important) while you are healing or growing and even means we can grow some cells - such as human skin - in the laboratory. In contrast to this, a newly fertilized(已受精的) egg contains 'stem' cells, which are capable of becoming any of the hundreds of different types of cell in the body - skin, muscle, brain cells etc. The challenge faced by Dolly's creators was to take a fully programmed adult cell and return it to this state - de-program it.
Dolly the sheep RIP ---- Goodbye Dolly At 15.30 on Friday 14 February 2003, scientists at the Roslin Institute decided that Dolly, the world's most famous sheep, should be put down. She had been suffering from a progressive lung disease. Dolly's death, like her birth, is bound to raise fresh fears about the wisdom of cloning.
[*Back*] Why was Dolly important? The sheep was the first mammal to be cloned using DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously, animals had only been cloned using embryo(胚胎) cells which already have the potential(潜力) to become a complete embryo in its own right(继承父母的). The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell - in this case from a female goat‘s udder(乳房). [*Back*]
Cuddly Clone ----cat clone Name : C.C Creator: Richard. Birthday: 2001/12/22 Homeplace: America Mother: Two Mothers
Gene(基因)mother Surrogate(代孕) mother
A pet-type animal clone It is the first clone of a pet-type animal.In the issue of Nature they describe this epochal(great) accomplishment, which is a step toward the more difficult goal of cloning a dog. And this scientists’ work is part of a project sponsored(发起) by wealthy Phoenix(菲尼克斯) businessman John.Sperling.And It costs one year. [*Back*]
Homeplace: South Korean Snuppy ----斯纳皮 Birthday: August 3, 2005 Gender: Male Homeplace: South Korean Father: One Father Mother: One Mother
Family Snuppy stands next to the male Afghan(Its father) hound from which he was cloned. Snuppy‘s surrogate(代孕) mother was a yellow Labrador(拉不拉多猎狗).
Great clone South Korean scientist Woo-Suk Hwang holds Snuppy, the first male dog cloned from adult cells by somatic (肉体的)nuclear cell transfer at the Seoul National University in Seoul, August 3, 2005. Man's best friend joined the list of cloned animals as South Korean scientists led by Dr. Hwang
The cloning technique used is not efficient The cloning technique used is not efficient. It took nearly 2,000 eggs to make some 1,000 embryos -- all of which produced just one healthy puppy(animal).And It is one year old now.
Pitiful clone His creator has been discredited and controversy has long surrounded him, but scientists confirmed that an Afghan hound named Snuppy is the world’s first cloned dog. [*Back*]
Panda Clone So lovely So beautiful But Only about 1,100 pandas in the world What should we do?
Panda Clone Could Save Species Chinese scientists say they're on the verge of successfully cloning giant pandas. One of the appeals of cloning is the idea that it might be used to rescue endangered animals, particularly ones like pandas that don't breed well.
It's possible to clone giant pandas Cloning also has rescue implications(suggestion) for preserving the giant panda resource. The picture bank of common diseases of the giant panda will be completed by Sichuan and Beijing jointly, within this year. In addition, in October last year, the State Forestry Administration started live exchanges of pen-reared giant pandas, for the first time in our country. Currently, the four giant pandas that have been exchanged (i.e. moved from one habitat to another) are in good health. They may join the new round of reproduction plan next year. This giant panda living exchange program has significance for keeping the genetic diversity(多样性) and sustainable(acceptable) development of the giant panda species.
How? During cloning, the nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced with the nucleus from a donor cell. But there are not any panda eggs for researchers to use in experiments. So they used a surrogate(reproduction): egg cells from rabbits. They transplanted the panda DNA into the rabbit egg, where it grew, eventually forming a panda embryo(胚胎). The next step will be to implant such an embryo into a host mother(受体) to see whether the clone can develop into a healthy baby panda. If successful,clone pander can be holden.
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