Land use planning/security related issues Group 3 Break-out session 2 Land use planning/security related issues Group 3
Questions for discussion B2-1 LAND USE PLANNING: Main Question: What is your role and experience in reviewing and approving planning decisions in your country? Do you cover new explosives sites, their modification and the construction of public/residential premises and traffic routes within the affected radius? Are the rules and criteria different for explosives and pyrotechnics/fireworks Are you automatically consulted? Is there pressure on you to allow building near an explosives site and how do you judge the risks? If you refuse it, on what grounds can you do so? If not, what do you do? B2-2 SECURITY Main Question: How do you work with your police and security services in regulating and inspecting explosives and pyrotechnic/fireworks sites? Do you see a breach of security; either to steal explosives or to blow up the premises as a significant risk? Do you work together or which one takes the lead and has overall authority? What is the response to an incident; explosion or security breach and who investigates it; police; security services (army/government security services) or you, the competent authority? How do you manage the safety and security of site and local personnel during an incident?
B2-1 Land Use Planning Main Question: What is your role and experience in reviewing and approving planning decisions in your country? Is there pressure on you to allow building near an explosives site and how do you judge the risks? If you refuse it, on what grounds can you do so? If not, what do you do? Generally no pressure, but the competent authority is the interface between the government and the operator In some cases lack of centralisation Sometimes the local planning authorities do not follow the advices of competent authorities Lack of competence of the local authirites Effects of politics and financial aspects You can take notes in this section: FIN: no pressure, public safety is first for the goverment, most of the sites are far from the residental areas Source of the problem could be the temporarz storage sites near to the acivities. Continous discusson about it is very important with the operators. Czech: usuallz far from residental areas. Settlement go even nearer to the existing plants. Problem that the local authorities not always followed the advice from competent authorities. HUN: strong commitment at governmental level for pulblic safety, in some cases strict deadline for authorities but no pressure to permit what is dangerous. Commitee and consultation in every case of devepolments of the settlements Germany: difference beetween regions, lack of centralisation Bulgaria: trying to find interconnection beetween the different legal areas. Provides the local planning auth. With info about material present on site. In some cases pressure from the ministry (the comp authority is the interface between the operator and the ministry) Portugal: related to the safety distance is competent the police, they have strict rules
B2-2 Security Main Question: How do you work with your police and security services in regulating and inspecting explosives and pyrotechnic/fireworks sites? Mainly the police is responsible, The communication with them should be improved The main task of the seveso competent authority is to provide the police with information about quality and quantity presen on site and the list of highly hazardous materials You can take notes in this section: