Mount St. Helens, 1980 eruption VOLCANISM Mount St. Helens, 1980 eruption
Where are volcanoes located?
Volcanoes are located over divergent plate boundaries (mid-oceanic ridges)
Laki fissure, Iceland
Volcanoes are located over convergent plate boundaries (subduction zones)
Mount Rainier, Tacoma, Washington
Volcanoes are located over Hot spots
What are the products of volcanism?
Welded tuff (ash & flow deposits)
Vesicular Basalt
Pyroclastic eruption at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
Volcanic Bombs
Pyroclastic flow at Mount Unzen
Volcanic Breccia
Gentle-slopes (Shield Volcano)
Non-explosive eruptions Basaltic flows Low-viscosity Lava Gentle-slopes (Shield Volcano) Non-explosive eruptions Basaltic flows Low-viscosity Lava Low SiO2 content Mafic composition
steep-slopes (Cinder-cone Volcano)
steep-slopes (Cinder-cone Volcano) Pyroclastic material High SiO2 content More Felsic composition
steep-slopes (Composite Volcano)
steep-slopes (Composite Volcano) Alternating layers of Basaltic flows and pyroclastic material Mafic-felsic composition
Volcanic domes
Lava accumulates over the vent Volcanic domes Felsic lava Very high viscosity Lava accumulates over the vent
Evolution of Crater Lake Caldera
Mount St. Helens (Before eruption)
Mount St. Helens (During eruption)
Mount St. Helens (After eruption)
Mount St. Helens (Before eruption)
Hot Spots and Plate movement
Volcanic Hazards
Pyroclastic Flows are the most dangerous