HABITAT/FOOD Jaguars have a certain territory that they live in. Their territory can vary up to 2 to 200 square miles Jaguars usually mark their territory by scratching or squirting trees. They only eat animals that they brought down themselves
DISCRIPTION They can live up to 15 years in the wild and 20 years in zoos Adult males can weigh up to 250 pounds and females can weigh up to 150 pounds From the nose to the end of the tail they measure 8 feet long
WHY THEY ARE ENDANGERERED AND HOW TO PREVENT They are endangered because they are hunted by humans for fur and sometimes to protect live stock You can fix the problem by adopting one
FUN FACTS The gestation period for the jaguar is about 100 to 110 days. The size of the one litter is 1 to 4 kittens Jaguars are referred to as the bulldog of the cat world
WORK CITED Nature’s children jaguars by Thomas Grolier http://www.Sandiego http://www.Philadelphia