Super Storms
beware To beware means to be on the lookout for something dangerous. A “Beware of Dog” sign was on a house that was guarded by a big dog. What things should you beware of?
grasslands Grasslands are large land areas covered with grass. Buffalo live on grasslands in Yellowstone Park. What other animals might live on grasslands?
uprooted Uprooted means torn or pulled out of the ground. The tree in our yard was uprooted by a very strong wind. What does an uprooted tree or plant look like?
destroy To destroy something means to ruin it. The wave destroyed the sand castle. How can you destroy a block building?
prevent To prevent means to stop something from happening. To prevent injuries when bike riding, wear a helmet. What else can you do to prevent injuries?
violent Violent means showing great physical force. The violent storm broke windows and flooded houses. How would you feel if a violent storm headed towards us?