English IV
Resumes What is a resume and why do you need one? Resume – from the French résumé, meaning “summarized” 1 page maximum!
Parts of a resume Name & contact information Education Relevant coursework (optional) Work experience Leadership experience Honors & awards Skills
Resume Your resume should be customized for the job you are applying for. Ex: Dr. Stewart does not care that Ms. Corbett worked at Applebee’s, in high school, because that does not show her teaching ability. If you have plenty of work experience, be selective about what you include. Ex: Dr. Stewart does not care that Ms. Corbett worked at Applebee’s in high school, because she is a college graduate now. Her high school work history is no longer relevant.
Name & Contact Info Name Phone number Professional email LinkedIn profile No need for your mailing address! It’s 2017; nobody sends letters anymore
Education High school name City Projected graduation date Relevant coursework (optional) GPA if it’s 3.0+
Work Experience Company name City Dates of employment Job responsibilities Past tense UNLESS you are still currently working there
Leadership Experience Club/group Position held (if applicable) Dates Responsibilities Past tense UNLESS you currently hold this position
Honors & Awards Name of award Institution that gave the award Date Description if needed No need to explain things like honor roll
Skills Just a simple, bullet-point list. No need to explain in great detail! Ex: language skills, computer skills, etc. Be selective about what you include. Dr. Stewart does not care that Ms. Corbett has great memes, because that does not relate to what she can contribute to NSA.