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3 minutes of free write – this means do not write during the news, I will give you time after. CNN Student News
Expansion of Early Islam 632–750 CE
Arabia at the Dawn of Islam Muhammad was born in Mecca Shared and spread Islam throughout Saudi Arabia After his death, Saudi Arabia became the first caliphate. Caliphate: political and religious state of Muslims Caliph: ruler of the caliphate and known as Muhammad's successor Muhammad was born in Mecca – throughout his life he shared the understandings of Islam and it spread throughout Saudi Arabia After his death the land was the first caliphate
Expanse of the Umayyad Caliphate About 100 years after Muhammad, the caliphate covered 5. 8 million square miles Umayyad Caliphate in 750 CE Today you will be examining 3 different documents and making a series of hypotheses to answer the central question…. Roman Empire in 117 CE
Central Historical Question How did the early Islamic empire expand? Think about what strategies were used to expand
Expansion of the Early Caliphates Most of the empire grew during the 7th-8th centuries
Pack up everything except for a device to play Kahoot – unless you want to take notes You will play individually – if you do not have a device let me know – I will let you borrow my computer or join someone else.