Interactive Power Point
Spanish Juan Ponce de Leon was a ______________ born explorer. He is famous for being the first European to land in _____________. Florida The year of his birth unclear, some believed it was _________. But more recently it was thought to be earlier in the year _________. 1460 1474
Not much is known about his early life, but he was a _____________ and fought for the Spanish. solider Christopher Columbus He sailed with _______________________ on his second voyage to the New World. He spent time serving with the Governor of ________________, what is now the island of Haiti. Hispaniola
In 1508, he was given permission to explore the island of _______________. He was the first European to establish a settlement there. Puerto Rico He spent much of his time searching for _________. He married there and had _________ children. gold four His expedition was considered a great ____________ . success
The king of Spain appointed him _____________ of Puerto Rico. Governor Later, he was given the rights to explore _________________ and the _______________. Bimini Island Bahamas He set sail with three ships in March of _________ and sighted land in __________. 1513 April
At first, he thought the land he found was just an _________. island He named it _____________________ or “feast of flowers” because they landed on Palm Sunday. “Pascua de Florida This is now the modern day state of ______________. Florida
He landed on the Eastern Coast of Florida and stayed in the area for a few days before sailing along the __________________. Florida Keys He then sailed the west coast of Florida and came ashore somewhere between __________________ and the _______________area. Charlotte Harbor Tampa Bay
Here, he had some hostile encounters with the _____________, the native people who lived in there. He sailed away from Florida. Calusa He went back to Spain, the King pleased with his efforts, gave him permission to settle ____________ and the “island” of ____________. Bimini Florida
In 1521, he set sail, ready to colonize Florida In 1521, he set sail, ready to colonize Florida. While setting up their colony, near Charlotte Harbor, Ponce de Leon and his party was attacked by ________________. Calusa Indians Juan Ponce de Leon was injured by a ____________________. poison arrow dart
He was able to make it to the island of ____________ but he died of his injury. Cuba He was buried in __________________ and his house stands still today. Puerto Rico
Juan Ponce de Leon was born in Santervas, Spain
De Leon began his voyage in Spain. He landed on the Island of Hispaniola.
He was the first European to explore the coast of Florida. He began his exploration on the island of Hispaniola (Haiti) He was the first European to settle Puerto Rico. He died on the island of Cuba.