CTE Conference November 16, 2017 Session I 10:00 – 11:00 am


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Using the National Career Academy Curriculum Database for Curriculum Development CTE Conference November 16, 2017 Session I 10:00 – 11:00 am Sasha Kirkman Consultant, ASKEducation Consulting https://casn.berkeley.edu

ABOUT CCASN High School: Make it fair, Make it real. CCASN builds capacity of educators and communities to enact research-based strategies for student success now and in college, career, and civic life; collects and disseminates evidence on student outcomes and exemplary practices; and promotes policies to make education fair and real. http://casn.berkeley.edu

Who’s in the room? Say that’s me! When I say: a teacher or counselor a site administrator a regional or state education leader a staff at a district office a coach or technical assistance provider Retired but not Play another role in education http://casn.berkeley.edu

PURPOSE Build familiarity with the CCASN website resources Introduce the use of the national curriculum database to facilitate curriculum development http://casn.berkeley.edu

Agenda Why a Curriculum Database for this Work and What Does it Contain? How to Leverage Instructional Resources for Teams Test Drive the Career Academy Curriculum Database http://casn.berkeley.edu

Taking Stock Discuss with a partner: What are some successful approaches to curriculum development? What are some challenges with curriculum development your team has faced? http://casn.berkeley.edu

TEAM SYSTEMS BIG PICTURE: Instructional Resources Here you will find links to organizations and websites that provide valuable resources, beyond curriculum, for building or strengthening the instructional program of a career academy.  This is not a comprehensive list but rather a few gems. Instructional Resources opens an annotated list of links for working with teams on major areas of career pathway instructional program development. http://casn.berkeley.edu

Why a Curriculum Database for this Work and What Does it Contain? http://casn.berkeley.edu

Why Leverage a Curriculum Database for This Work? Turn to a partner: So discuss why you think a Curriculum Database is helpful? Time Integration of industry themes Vetted One-stop and customized Coherence Alignment Rigor http://casn.berkeley.edu

CONTENTS 1-stop customized resource Standards aligned Organized by Industry Sector across grade levels Contains: Stand-alone lessons and units Inter-disciplinary and project-based lessons A-G courses Includes career exploration resources Includes classroom materials and resources that support classroom content https://casn.berkeley.edu


Teams and the Curriculum Database https://casn.berkeley.edu

Learning Teaching and Leading Framework: Community of Practice Continuum ConnectEd 2013

Review Standards-based Curriculum and Performance Mapping and the Major Steps to Designing Integrated Curriculum

WHEN TO USE IT: TABLE TALK Review Major Steps to Design an Integrated Curriculum Unit. How, in the process of developing an integrated unit, might team members search a curriculum database for ideas, resources, or model integrated units? What are the benefits of using a vetted Curriculum Database? What are the challenges? https://casn.berkeley.edu


YOUR SEARCH DEPENDS UPON YOU Integrate the academy theme into an academic core class Find curriculum ideas & resources for a specific integrated project Find key resources to anchor a team interdisciplinary project Find course outlines for pathway programs of study Resources are grouped by type of resource, with some overlap. To see the multi-disciplinary projects in your industry sector, click on the + To find a lesson on a specific topic for a specific subject area, you will need to narrow the search. https://casn.berkeley.edu

LETS TAKE A TEST DRIVE Select A Handout: Work with your team to find curriculum for an interdisciplinary project https://casn.berkeley.edu https://casn.berkeley.edu

Special FEATURES Advanced very specific

Q&A https://casn.berkeley.edu

THANK YOU https://casn.berkeley.edu http://collegetools.berkeley.edu Sasha Kirkman skirkman@ask-education.org https://casn.berkeley.edu http://collegetools.berkeley.edu CCASN UC Berkeley @CCASN_UCB https://casn.berkeley.edu