UNFCCC expert meeting on methods and tools and on data and observations under the Nairobi work programme Introduction to the Nairobi work programme. Technologies.


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Presentation transcript:

UNFCCC expert meeting on methods and tools and on data and observations under the Nairobi work programme Introduction to the Nairobi work programme. Technologies for adaptation. Bangkok, Thailand 5 April 2008 Olga Pilifosova, UNFCCC secretariat

Structure and objectives Technologies for adaptation Research Adaptation planning & practices Risks & extreme events Economic diversification Assist all Parties, in particular developing countries, including LDCs and SIDS, to - improve their understanding and assessment of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, and - make informed decisions on practical adaptation Methods & tools Data & observations Modelling, scenarios & downscaling Socio-economic information

NWP: Requests and implementation –Parties, organisations, the secretariat ->to undertake specific actions under the SBSTA modalities Submissions from Parties & relevant organizations, Synthesises Workshops & expert meetings, reports, Web-based interface –The secretariat ->to strive to engage a wide range of organizations, institutions, experts and communities and disseminate the NWP deliverables: Building partnership among multiple partners Conducting thematic mini-expert meetings Introducing Calls for Action Disseminating documents, including through web and networks Organizations -> to undertake their own activities towards the NWP objectives Nominating NWP focal points Issuing Action pledges, Concept papers Informing SBSTA about current and new activities –SBSTA&UNFCCC Coordinating implementation, monitoring progress, reviewing, identifying further actions, forwarding results to SBI Catalysing actions by others

Workshops and expert meetings with recommendations Views of Parties on gaps and needs Calls for Action 100 organizations involved in the NWP with focal points Action Pledges Parties, organizations, experts, civil society, private sector active in adaptation Supply of adaptation activities Demand for adaptation activities Engaging organizations and stakeholders

Expected way forward Enhanced capacity of all Parties to undertake practical adaptation action Enhanced assistance to all Parties, in particular developing countries, including LDCs and SIDS Findings of IPCC AR4 UNFCCC SBSTA Completed activities prior to SBSTA 28 New activities after SBSTA 28 Informal meeting, submissions (April,08) and consideration at SBSTA 28 Wide range of organizations undertaking their own activities Possible input to related adaptation activities under the UNFCCC SBI

Technologies for adaptation Goals: To advance Promoting research on adaptation options and the development and diffusion of technologies, know-how, and practices for adaptation… by contributing to efforts by Parties and organizations: –to enhance work on different aspects of technologies and know-how for adaptation –opportunities for their transfer, development and diffusion, taking into account local and indigenous knowledge and experience as well as ongoing activities and projects

Focal area: Technologies for adaptation Initial actions: The activities will be undertaken under, and in coordination with, the work of the SBSTA on technology transfer Synthesis of relevant information from structured submissions by Parties and organizations on on adaptation approaches, strategies, practices and technologies on adaptation planning and practices (September 2007) SBSTA recognizes the previous work and agrees to take into account the synthesis of TNA for adaptation, information NC and NAPAs, the TP on the application of technologies for adaptation and relevant deliberations by the SBSTA, in the consideration of further activities

EGTT input Secretariat should use relevant outputs from the work of EGTT (along with CGE and LEG) for the synthesis report to provide input for the workshops and deliverables on Methods and Tools and Adaptation planning and practices Any current work of EGTT on technologies for adaptation contributing to attaining goals and outcomes of NWP

Possible way forward To build upon and add value to the previous UNFCCC activities without duplicating them To build upon and fully exploit synergies with activities in other organizations and communities Catalyze actions by organizations, Parties, communities Identify specific actions to advance the work With the aim of: enhancing work on different aspects of technologies and know-how for adaptation; opportunities for their transfer, development and diffusion => Enhancing capacity of all Parties to take informed decisions on practical adaptation actions