Recent NSF Geosciences Division Award Trends in Addressing Broader Impact Criteria Susan Meabh Kelly science + education collaboratory
Background on NSF Broader Impact Formation and Mission of National Science Foundation Development and Significance of Broader Impact Component for NSF-funded Projects
Recent NSF Broader Impact Developments
Recent Research on Broader Impact Trends Verdin, 2017 Broader Impact trends within NSF Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Division of Engineering Directorate Watts, et al., 2015 Broader Impact trends in NSF Environmental Biology Division Nadkarni & Statsch, 2013 Broader Impact trends within NSF Ecosystem Studies (ES) Directorate
Question: What are recent trends in addressing NSF broader impact criteria within Geoscience divisions?
Method Mine NSF project outcome reports (June 1, 2012-June 1, 2018) from awards of $800,000+ via Identify reports that represent one of the four divisions within the Geoscience Directorate (AGS, EAR, OCE, OPP) Categorize project broader impact efforts according to rubric criteria based recent BI literature (NABI, 2015; Verdin, 2017). Each BI effort counted individually.
Broader Impact Criteria
NSF Proposal Review Criteria (NSF, 2018)
Observations and Questions Education was most well-represented BI type for all four divisions, but efforts and outcomes were vaguely described. BI efforts to increase representation of people who have been historically marginalized from STEM were rare -- 1/52 available GEO reports.
Developing a Theoretical Framework for Broader Impacts Broader Impacts in Research, 2018 Broader Impact Conceptual Framework helps PIs identify BI that is mutually beneficial to stakeholders. Skrip, 2015 Questions for PIs to consider based on synthesis of communication and BI literature in order to amplify impact.
Considering Research- Informed Broader Impact Design Hurtado et al., 2009 Research experiences of underrepresented undergraduates at four institutions Rohrbaugh & Corces, 2011 Research Internship and Science Education (RISE), Atlanta Public Schools Maton et al., 2012 Meyerhoff Scholars Program, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Pathways for Advancing Broader Impact in the Geosciences
Susan Meabh Kelly email: web:
References Broader Impacts in Research (2018). Broader impacts conceptual framework. Retrieved from: Hurtado, S., Cabrera, N. L., Lin, M. H., Arellano, L., & Espinosa, L. (2009). Diversifying science: Underrepresented student experiences in structured research programs. Research in Higher Education, 50 (2), 189-214. Jordan, R., Brooks, W., Gray, S.,DeLisi, J., & Berkowitz, A. (2013). Rising to the “broader impacts” challenge. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11 (5): 234-235. Kamenetzky, J. (2013). Opportunities for impact: Statistical analysis of the National Science Foundation’s broader impacts criterion. Science and Public Policy, 40: 72-84. Mardis, M., Hoffman, E., & McMartin, F. (2012). Toward broader impacts: Making sense of NSF’s merit review criteria in the context of NSF’s merit review criteria in the context of the National Science Digital Library. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (9): 1758-1772.
Maton, K. , Pollard, S. , McDougall-Weisse, T. , Hrabowski, F. (2012) Maton, K., Pollard, S., McDougall-Weisse, T., Hrabowski, F. (2012). Meyerhoff Scholars Program: a strengths-based, institution-wide approach to increasing diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 79 (5): 610-623. Nadkarni, N., & Statsch, A. (2013). How broad are our broader impacts? An analysis of the National Science Foundation’s Ecosystem Studies Program and the Broader Impacts requirement. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11 (1): 13-19. Nagy, D. (2016). Determinants of Broader Impact activities: A survey of NSF-funded investigators. The Journal of Research Administration, 47 (1): 68-93. National Alliance for Broader Impacts (2015). Broader impacts guiding principles and questions for National Science Foundation proposals. Retrieved via: National Science Foundation (2018). Proposal award policies & procedures guide. Retrieved via:
Rohrbaugh, M. & Corces, V. (2011) Rohrbaugh, M. & Corces, V. (2011). Opening pathways for underrepresented high school students to biomedical research careers: The Emory University RISE program. Genetics, 189 (4); 1135- 1143. Skrip, M. (2015). Crafting and evaluating broader impact activities: A theory-based guide for scientists. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13 (5): 273-279. Verdin, D. (2017, June). Quantifying and assessing trends on the National Science Foundation’s Broader Impact Criterion. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, Ohio. Watts, S., George, M., & Levey, D. (2015). Achieving broader impacts in the National Science Foundation, Division of Environmental Biology. Bioscience, 65: 397-407. Wiley, S. (2014). Doing broader impacts? The National Science Foundation (NSF) broader impacts criterion and communication-based activities. Masters thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.