Chesapeake Bay Update: Virginia Russ Baxter Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources
Overview: Bay Funding WIP Outreach Maintaining Nutrient Caps EC Meeting So Long, it’s been fun
WIP Outreach First focus on local governments and SWCDs: Valley, NOVA, Piedmont, Northern Neck, Hampton Roads scheduled Working with VACO Soon scheduling a Chesapeake Bay SAG meeting to chart out additional outreach to the various stakeholders
Future Growth In 2016, Governor McAuliffe signed Executive Order 52 titled “Development of Long-Term, offsetting methods within the Virginia Nutrient Credit Exchange Program” A committee was formed in 2016 and a series of recommendations were made in a report submitted to the Governor on Dec. 1, 2016 Available at:
Related Actions by the 2017 General Assembly HB 1619 (Bulova, Lingamfelter) Periodic Review of Nutrient Allocations by the State Water Control Board HB 2311 (Cox) Use of the Nutrient Offset Fund by the Director of the Environmental Quality
Executive Council 2017 Focus on the future of the partnership Governor Hogan will succeed Governor McAuliffe Resolution to be adopted supporting the Chesapeake Bay Program and the associated funding Finalizing attendance
The McAuliffe Legacy Water Quality and the Chesapeake Bay Restoration: Finishing wastewater; focus on ag; time to ramp up stormwater efforts Land Conservation: “Virginia Treasures” Climate Change and Resiliency: EO 57 State Parks (Natural Bridge), Natural Areas (addition to Crows Nest), Wildlife Management Areas (Ware Creek), Federal Lands (Werowoconomco, Fort Monroe) Oyster restoration Coal Ash DuPont Settlement SWIFT
: 804-786-0044