An Overview IR carries more than 23 million passengers per day (equivalent to population of Australia) Runs 22,300 trains per day (13,098 passenger +9202 freight) Carries more than 3 million tonnes of freight per day 1.31 Million Employees. Predominantly 1676mm(BG) gauge Total track length 1,17,996 km. 66,030 Route Km, i.e. circumference of the earth 22,224 Electrified Route Km( 33.66 % of total route km) 7,137 Stations 10,773 Locomotives More than 2,54,006 wagons & 61,558 passenger coaches * as on 1.4.2016
GROWTH STORY OF LAST 65 YEARS ITEM 1950-51 2014-15 %VARIATION Double and multiple route length (Kms) 5127 20,633 302% Running track Kms (All Gauges) 59,315 90,803 53% Freight carried (Million Tonnes) 73 1095.26 1400% Passenger Kms (Millions) 66,517 11,47,190 1625% Passengers Originating (In Millions) 1,284 8,224 540% Wagon capacity 4.14 14.33 246% Wagon Turn around(Days) 11 4.98 (-)55%
Network and Resources- Constraints IR’s main trunk routes viz., the GQ and the diagonals which form 16% of the network but carry 58% of the freight traffic and 52% of the passenger traffic are badly saturated. Since 1950-51, freight output and passenger output have gone up by 15 times and 7 times while route kms have gone up by only 1.5 times. Common infrastructure for passenger and freight traffic hampering resource optimisation. Inadequate capacity for production of required number of electric locomotives, diesel locomotives and passenger coaches. Paucity of funds for augmenting infrastructure. As per line capacity statement, out of 1216 sections on IR, 60% sections have 80% to 100% utilisation of the charted capacity and 39% of the sections are saturated with more than 100% utilisation of the charted capacity. Similarly, 69% sections on HDN route are having more than 100% utilisation of the charted capacity.
CAPACITY CREATION At present, the shelf of projects is as under: S.No. Plan Head No. of Works Length (Km) Sanctioned Cost ( Rs. Cr.) ( in Billions $) 1 New Line 173 19082 256504 $ 38.86 2 Gauge Conversion 44 9778 51819 $ 7.85 3 Doubling 274 21732 185389 $ 28.09 Total 491 50538 493713 $ 74.80 4 Traffic Facility 585 -- 11465 $ 1.74 5 Railway Electrification 81 19019 20958 $ 3.18 Grand Total 1157 69557 526136 $ 79.72
Planned EBR-IF Funds for 2016-17 S.No. Plan Head No. of Works Fund Allotted in 2016-17 under EBR (IF) (Rs. Cr.) (in Billions $) 1 Doubling 216 16763.46 $ 2.54 2 New Line 07 0.56 $ 0.0001 3 Gauge Conversion 12 865.68 $ 0.13 4 Traffic Facility 06 10.00 $ 0.0015 5 Railway Electrification 69 3336.00 $ 0.51 Total 369 20985.00 $ 3.18
Achievement and Target Plan Head 2015-16 2016-17 Achievement (Km) Expenditure (Rs. Cr.) Target (Km) Doubling 967 8990 1600 25119 New Lines 813 14968 400 15586 Gauge Conversion 1042 4090 800 4342 Total 2822 28048 2800 45047 Traffic Facility -- 1211 1226 Electrification 1730 2260 2000 3396
Variation in Achievement (Km) Plan Head 2014-15 2015-16 % Variation Achievement (Km) Doubling 705 967 37% New Lines 313 813 159% Gauge Conversion 527 1042 98% Total 1545 2822 83% Electrification 1375 1730 26%
IR schemes for raising funds for Infrastructure Rail Connectivity/ Capacity Augmentation - Policy of participative models - Cost Sharing with States Container Train Operations Container Train Operators Terminal Facilities -Private Freight Terminals -Station redevelopment Other Assets -Wagon Investment Schemes -Loco Factory
Three Critical Coal Connectivity Projects: Status and Issues as on 22 1. a) Tori-Shivpur (44 km) Railway Line in North Karanpura in Jharkhand Alignment –Tori to Shivpur - 44 kms ( 3 lines) Land required – 1164.667 acres Cost – Rs.1588.64 Cr. PPP/JV/Rlys/Deposit – Deposit Work of Central Coalfields Ltd (CCL) Expected Coal Output – 80 MT annually from North Karanpura of CCL Stage II forest clearance received in June’13
Three Critical Coal Connectivity Projects: Status and Issues as on 22 Forestry clearance State-II forestry clearance approved on 26.02.14 from Sate Govt. (ii) While granting stage-1 clearance, MOEF has not agreed for construction of PFs. (iii) E-filing done on 05.08.15 for 39.347 acre left over forest land which is under scrutiny with forest department. Land Position Status of land as on 1st July 2016 : (figures may vary subject to reconciliation with revenue authorities) S. No. Type of land Total Required Area (Acre) Already Transferred/ Acquired (Acre) Balance 1 Forest 292.642 252.975 39.667 2 GMJJ 126.875 122.085 4.79 3 GM 210.715 207.745 2.97 4 Raiyati 527.3 526.55 0.75 5 Other 5.085 - Total 1162.617 1109.355 53.262 Overall Physical progress - 35% Tender status Contract for earthwork, major and minor bridges is in position. Track tender for first 11.50 kms has been finalised and tenders for 11.50 to 22.00 and from 22.00 to 33.00 have been opened. Project completion date June 2018
1 b. Shivpur-Kathautia (48 km) Railway Line in North Karanpura in Jharkhand Alignment – 48 kms.Shivpur to Kathautia PPP/JV/Rlys/Deposit – Deposit Work of Central Coalfields Ltd (CCL) Cost – 2007 Cr Expected Coal Output – 20 MT annually from North Karanpura of CCL Earlier alignment was between Shivpur and Hazaribagh. Forest clearance was refused as the line was passing through the ‘Reserved Forests’. New survey was done from Shivpur to Kathautia and the alignment was changed in Oct, 2012.
Three Critical Coal Connectivity Projects: Status and Issues as on 22 Major Issue 1. Application for stage-I forestry clearance has been filed on 23.04.2015. 2. 1249 acres out of 1365 acres land in Chatra and Hazaribagh districts to be acquired and handed over to Railways. Railways have already filed applications from December’ 12 to April’ 13 Type of Land Requisitioned Acquired/ To be Handed over Yet to be acquired/ handed over Remarks Forest 705.529 Nil Govt. Jungle Jhari 206.900 To be transferred Govt/GM (Gair Majuri) 53.040 Raiyati 399.940 116.950 282.990 Section 4/6 Notices are already issued under old Act for 14 out of 15 villages in Chatra district and in all three villages in Hazaribagh Total 1365.409 1248.459
2. Jharsuguda-Barpalli-Sardega Railway Line (53 kms) in Ib Valley, Odisha Alignment – 53 kms Cost – Rs.1007 Cr. (Phase 1) Expected Coal Output – 35 MT(Phase 1)/ 60 MT(Phase 2 ) annually from Ib valley fields PPP/JV/Rlys/Deposit – Deposit work of Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd (MCL) Stage II Forest clearance received in June’14
Three Critical Coal Connectivity Projects: Status and Issues as on 22 Major Issue 1. There are 0.92 Acres of Pvt. tenancy land yet to be handed over by State Govt where earth work & minor bridge work yet have to start. Demand of compensation towards standing trees, structures and Grave yards are yet to be made payment by State Govt in Sundergarh district . As a result complete earth work and minor bridge works are not able to take up 2. MCL to acquire land for Barpalli bulb and hand it over to Railways for construction of loading lines. For Barpalli Bulb total 150.49 Acres land to be acquired. Details are as given below Total area for Barpali Bulb Alignment(Village-Kuisira) Pvt Land Non Forest Govt Land Forest Land Total Total Applied 64.81 24.68 61 150.49 Total Acquired Total Balance Working permission on non-forest govt land has been permitted by Tehsildar vide letter dtd 13th May 2016 Villagers of Sardega village of Sundergarh district combindly have stopped formation work ch-47700 to 49700 forcibly demanding some pending employement with MCL, including compensation. Railway has intimated the same to MCL to sort out the issue at the earliest. So far Railway is not able to take up any work in this area. Project Completion Date March 2017 subject to major issues listed above are taken care of.
3. Bhupdevpur/Kharsia-Korichapar/Dharamjaigarh(64 km/104 km) in Mand-Raigarh coalfield, Chhattisgarh. East Rail Corridor Phase I:Kharsia to Dharamjaigarh and spur from Ghargoda to Donga Mahua. 132 km. Cost: 2200 Cr. Expected Coal Output – 80 MT annually Alignment – Kharsia to Dharamjaigarhand spur from Ghargoda to Donga Mahua. PPP/JV/Rlys/Deposit – SPV route with equity from Govt. of Chhattisgarh 10%, SECL 64% & IRCON 26%.
Three Critical Coal Connectivity Projects: Status and Issues as on 22 Land and Tender Status: Land Handed over: 74 km Land Awards under distribution: 28 km Land under identification: 30 km Work started: 74 km Contracts awarded: 102 km Forest Clearance available: 64 km Forest Application submitted: 38 km Forest Application yet to be submitted: 30 km Percentage Progress: 20% DOC: Mar 2018 Total Land Required (Hect) Area handed over 1. Private Land 371.834 278.217 2. Government land 47.38 40.333 3 Forest Land 100.989 76.099 4 Total Land 520.203 394.715 Major issues: Tenders for civil works worth Rs 402 cr including embankment major and minor bridges awarded on 76 km and Rs. 81 Cr for Spur line have been awarded. Forest Application for 24.9 Hect land diversion is pending with Govt. of Chhattisgarh. Chhattisgarh Govt has been requested to expedite modification to 90 overhead transmission/distribution power lines. 394 hect. of land ( including Govt, Private and Forest ) has been handed over till Dec’15. Rest of the land is yet to be handed over . Almost all land in the corridor from Kharsia to Dharamjaygarh handed over but no land handed over in 0-28 km spur of Gare Palma.
3. Phase II: Dharamjaigarh to Korba Total Length: 62km(single line) Initial Cost: 1200 Cr Land under identification: 62 km Work started: Nil Contracts awarded: Nil Forest Clearance available: Nil Forest Application submitted: Nil Forest Application yet to be submitted: 62 km Work to start: Mar 2017 Percentage Progress: Nil DOC: Mar 2020 Coal traffic expected: from 5 MTPA in 2020-21 to 14 MTPA in 2025 Final Location Survey to identify land has not been taken up yet.