Final Debrief Presentation Final Debrief Presentation COUNTRY NAME EPI REVIEW DATES
EPI REVIEW METHODS Participants Number & composition of teams How geographic sites were selected Types of sites, information collected
SITES VISITED & DATA COLLECTED Data Collection If applicable include: X number of VPD cases verified X number of volunteers interviewed X number of community focus groups Map of field visits National Team 01 Field Teams xx Regional Health Offices District Health Offices Health Facilities(pubic, private) Immunization sessions observed Caregivers interviewed In this example: Team 1: national team Team 2–7: each team visits 2 District Health Offices and 3 HFs within each District
PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT & FINANCING Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations Can chose to put recommendations here … OR summarize them all at the end
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations
VACCINE SUPPLY, QUALITY & LOGISTICS Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations
SERVICE DELIVERY Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations
IMMUNIZATION COVERAGE & AEFI MONITORING Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations
DISEASE SURVEILLANCE Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations
DEMAND GENERATION Background (if needed) Strengths (including best practices) Weaknesses Recommendations
Key Actions, needs, next steps Reiterate urgent actions/priorities Next steps regarding ICC, cMYP Advocacy, resource needs?
Acknowledgements – as appropriate