cherry [tʃeɚi] Jerry [dʒeɚi] ether [iθɚ] either [iðɚ] reservation [rɛzɚveʃən]
five [faiv] fife [fʌif] Georgie [dZoɚdʒi] Cuba [kjubə] gather [gæðɚ]
singer [sɪŋɚ] (not [sɪŋgɚ]) roaring [roɚɪŋ] measure [mɛʒɚ] behind [bəhaind] (might also be pronounced [bihaind]) user [juzɚ]
butter [bʌɾɚ] jocular [dʒɑkjəlɚ] humor [hjumɚ] tether [tɛðɚ] compadre [kəmpɑdre]/[kɑmpɑdre]
humungous [hjumʌŋgəs] (not [humʌŋgəs]) weather [wɛðɚ] banking [beŋkɪŋ] teething [tiðɪŋ] garage [gɚɑ́ʒ] (not [gɚɑdʒ] for most speakers)
pizza [pitsə] hero [hiɚo] (occasionally [hiro]) theory [θiɚi] or [θiri] Beijing [bedʒɪŋ] (commonly mispronounced [beʒɪŋ])
southeast [sauθist] witch [wɪtʃ] cuddle [kʌdl`] ends w/ syllabic [l] (‘l’ w/ vertical line beneath); may not display on Mac extortion [ɛkstoɚʃən]/[əkstoɚʃən] (depending on stress of 1st vowel)
cotton [kɑʔn`] (/t/ is realized as [ʔ]; note syllabic [n`]) hanger [heŋɚ] crazy [krezi] visionary [vɪʒəneɚi]/[vɪʒɪneɚi] orthodox [oɚθədɑks]
bottle [bɑdl`] (note syllabic [l]) fatten [fæʔn`] (/t/ realized as [ʔ]; note syllabic [n`]) crazy [krezi] flourescent [flɚɛsənt] (might also be pronounced [floɚɛsənt]) orthodontist [oɚθədɑntɪst]