Enfoque: Lección 2 1. Pick up 2 handouts 2. Start working on “Enfoque” “¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español” “Enfoque”/Focus Activity : Cognate Sentences From folders by TV or by windows next to door. 2. Start working on “Enfoque” We will start in a minute
La Agenda Lección 2 Conversation Time Pronunciation of Vowels Sentences using Cognates Classroom Expectations and Guidelines
Spanish Vowels Always pronounced same way! A – as in “star” E – as in “met” I – as in “seed” or “machine” O – as in “row” U – as in “boot” or “suit”
Pronunciation El actor es dramático. El doctor no es popular.
What’s an “Enfoque”?! Do at start of every class In Spanish “enfoque” means “focus” Like “Bell work” Posted on Bulletin Board
Enfoque Review Cognate sentences Handout Smart Board Tonight’s homework
Expectations, Supplies and Extra Help In other words…. “How to Succeed in Class”
Have Fun & Remember: Excellence = Respect, Responsibility & Results Arrive to class on time Bring all materials and supplies Respect yourself, classmates and Sra. Babson Do your homework to best of your ability. Use as much Spanish as possible each day.
“Ojos aquí por favor” When I want everyone to listen I’ll say “Ojos aquí por favor” Which means: “Eyes Here Please” Stop, Look and Listen
Materials and Supplies Textbook Assignment Notebook/ Planner 1 ½” 3–Ring Binder or Section Pocket Divider (3-Ring)
Plus… 2 sharpened pencils with erasers (erasable pens are OK) Composition book (100 sheets) Approx. 500 index cards
“No – No”s Don’t chew gum (Messes up pronunciation) Get water and go to bathroom BEFORE class (You don’t need a pass between classes) Don’t make fun of others. (We all make mistakes. It’s part of learning) Raise your hand to speak. (Don’t interrupt.)
Grades 40% Tests & Big Projects 20% Quizzes & Small Projects 20% Homework 20 % Participation and Effort
Have a Question? Do not delay!! E-mail or see me ASAP! ESP (“Extra Spanish Practice”) Tuesdays & Wednesdays during 7th Period in Library Or see me to schedule another time.
Our Class “Wiki” Homework & Class Notes Songs and Music Videos Pronunciation Practice Extra Practice Activities
¡ No Te Preocupes ! Don’t Worry! Just Do Your Best, Relax and Have Fun. “Sing, Dance, Laugh & Eat Tacos!”
Homework (“La Tarea”) Lección 2 There is no homework (“No hay tarea”)