Sivalee Tiewsangwan National Account Division NESDB, Thailand NATIONAL INCOME OF THAILAND Sivalee Tiewsangwan National Account Division NESDB, Thailand
Presentation Topics Current Situation on National of Thailand Thailand GDP by Income Approach Compilation Data source Current Presentation Presentation Topics
Current Situation on National of Thailand National Accounts: 5 Main Accounts National Income Accounts Input-Output Table Flow of Funds Accounts Balance of Payment National Balance Sheets Responsibility Office NESDB Account 1,2,3 and 5 Bank of Thailand Account 4
National Income Account Compiled by 3 approaches Production approach Expenditure approach Income approach National level: Annually and Quarterly Current and Constant price by CVM method Regional and provincial Annually by Production approach Current and Constant price Annually / Current market price
Thailand GDP by Income Approach Return of the Factors of Production Compensation of Employee Domestic 16 sectors ROW Income from Property HH. & NPISH Government Income from entrepreneurship Private corporations & Public enterprises
Compensation of Employee Component Wages & Salaries Employer’s social contribution Actual social contributions Imputed social contributions Compilation method Direct: From Government, Public and Private enterprises Indirect: Number of employee x CE per head
Income from Property Component Compilation method Interest Distributed income of corporations Investment income disbursements Rent Compilation method Interest paid and receive by each institution Dividend from Corporation Direct data from Social security funds Direct data from GFS Farm area x rent rate
Income from entrepreneurship Component Mixed income Appropriated corporation profit Private Corporations Public Corporations Cooperatives Compilation method Estimate from Production approach Compiled from Financial statement
Data Source Census and Survey Primary data from Private and public enterprises Financial statement Questionnaire Secondary data from Public and Private agency
Current presentation 8 Main Account 95 Supporting Table Production account Generation of income account Allocation of primary income account Secondary distribution of income account Use of disposable income account Redistribution of income in kind account Use of adjusted disposable income account External income account 95 Supporting Table Reconciliation between Production and Expenditure: Table 1 - 2.3 Production Approach: Table 3 - 29.2 Expenditure Approach: Table 30 - 41.2 Income Approach: table 42 – 53 THANK YOU