To Intro to Computer Programming Welcome To Intro to Computer Programming
Today’s agenda Welcome to the Computer Programming Class Syllabus / Expectations Getting Started with Computers / Procedures Log in Schoolloop Folder Setup Activities
Computer programming curriculum Theory Practical Fundamentals of Computer Systems Computing Hardware Software Data in Computer Systems Databases Communications & Networking Programming Controlled Assessment
Future careers in programming Language Developer Software Architect Systems Analyst Programmer Database Designer Control Analyst Software Engineer Video Game Designer Help Desk Technician Network Administrator Quality Assurance Analyst
How will I be graded?
80 % of your Grade is based on… Completed Learning Activities Completed Projects, Quizzes, Tests 20 % of your Grade is based on… Work Skills (use of class time, following directions, etc.) Personal Responsibility Cooperation & Collaboration
A Successful Student Has joined class and is ready to work when the bell rings Remembers to leave all food/drink outside the computer lab Understands that lab equipment is the property of the school and takes care of it
Follows teacher directions about handling of computers and peripheral equipment. Knows better than to use mp3 players and phones without permission Leaves his/her computer area clean
Understands and respects copyright laws and the acceptable use policy Is proud of his/her own work and does not need to plagiarize or cheat. Insert Poll Question here – Folder: WebEx, poll – first day
Your turn: Ice Breaker: Who I am Students individually answer the 3 prompts Listening to the presentation learned that …. I also learned that …… I am excited about ….. Ice Breaker: Who I am
Ice breaker: Who I am I’ll give you the handout. Fill in page 1 with your own information. Then ask 20 people one question each and fill in the table on page 2. Yes, you’ll need to get up and walk around and talk to 20 people.
Ice breaker Introduce yourself to your neighbor by completing these sentences: My name is … I live over by … My last school was … What I’m interested to learn in Programming is … Introduce yourself to your elbow partner & Share your work (might have to explain who the elbow partner is) Did you get different answers? Pick out similar things?
Describe how to be a successful student Log on to the computer: Username: Student ID Password: c@mpbe11 (The last 2 letters are the Number 1)
Describe how to be a successful student Change your Password: select CTRL+ALT+DEL select Change Password Old Password: Password New Password: type your selection Confirm Password: type your selection again