MUH 3211 - Music History I Vocal Music, 1650-1750 11/16/2018 Chapter Nine Vocal Music, 1650-1750 DAY 29 (13 Nov 17)
Jean-Baptiste Lully by Paul Mignard (1639-91) Opera in France Controlled by King Emphasis on dance Tragédie en musique - Philippe Quinault (poet) - J.-B. Lully (composer) Anth I/81 – Armide (1686) Overture (the King’s “24”) - “overdotting” Act II/ sc. 5 (Renaud asleep, Armide approaches) Jean-Baptiste Lully by Paul Mignard (1639-91)
Opera seria (Just what it says) “Serious Opera” - Tragic content MUH 3211 - Music History I 11/16/2018 (Just what it says) “Serious Opera” - Tragic content Plots often based on Classical Antiquity vs. opera buffa (“comic opera”) [later] Italy (and beyond) 1680s to late 1700s - most opera seria sung in Italian Action (Recitative) – Reflection (Aria) Development of standard poetic forms Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782) & others - librettist whose text were set over 700 times DAY 29 (13 Nov 17)
Da Capo Aria Two parts (A – B) - contrasting emotions - “Ma” (…“but”…) Performed w/ da Capo = A – B – A’ Ornamented return Cadenza Instrumental ritornello G. F. Handel (1685-1757) Giulio Cesare in Egitto - London (1724) Act I, Scene 5 (Anth I/82) - Recitative (action) “Regni Cleopatra…” - Aria (reflection) “Non disperar…” - Kathleen Battle (w/ ornamented da capo)
Castrato Male soprano (contralto) Surgically altered before puberty (!) Heroic leads in opera seria 18th C “rock stars” Farinelli, Senesino, et al. “L’empio sleale, indegno” - Giulio Cesare, Act I, sc. 6 - Derek Ragin, countertenor BBC Documentary: Castrato (6 parts) “Senesino” (Francesco Bernardi, 1686-1758) Cesar in Handel’s Giulio Cesare
England & Opera (before 1700) Strong tradition of spoken drama (Shakespeare, et al.) Political unrest in mid-17th C - Commonwealth (Cromwell) & Restoration - limited dramas & theatrical entertainments Preference to mixed theatre & music - Masques (staged vignettes w/ music) - Semi-Operas (mixture of spoken & sung)
Dido and Aeneas (1689?) Henry Purcell (1659-95) Virgil’s Aeneid (Bk IV) - adapted by Nathun Tate Jonas Priest’s Girl’s School (Chelsea) 1st performed by 1689 All female roles (7-8?) Later adapted as masque Score lost/revised Dido – Queen of Carthage Aeneas – Hero of Trojan War/will found Rome Anth I/83 - overture - No.1 (Scena) 1:58 - No. 2 (Dido) 3:00 - No. 3 (recit.) 7:24 - No. 4 (Chorus) 7:59 - No. 5 (recit.) 8:14 - No. 6 (Duet/Chorus) 10:15 Dido’s Lament (44:30)