Welcome to Geometry As you come in, please grab a half sheet of paper from the front desk and begin filling it out.
About Me Grew up here Spokane BLMS – 1st Year at Issaquah Jenny Walker walkerj@issaquah.wednet.edu 425-837-4120 Room D-2 Grew up here Spokane BLMS – 1st Year at Issaquah
My Goals Build confidence in problem-solving abilities Apply math in everyday life Communicate their learning There is more than one way to find the “answer” Embrace the struggle Make it fun and engaging Increase their conceptual and procedural understanding of each of our topics covered this year.
Topics Constructions Coordinate Proofs Triangles and Proof Volume Polygons and Quadrilaterals Similarity Probability Circles Trigonometry
Textbooks (Discovering Geometry) Each student has been issued a textbook to keep at home. They do not need to bring it to school. A class set of textbooks will remain in the classroom for their use. Online Resources Flourish can be found at http://flourishkh.com Students have handout with directions. Handout can also be found on my website.
Daily Routine Learning Target Warm Up (includes preparation- math journal, calculator, homework, pen and pencil) Homework check and answer questions Notes (new material) Investigation (flexible grouping) Begin homework if time permits
Homework At least 3 times a week (5-40 minutes) New: Homework will not be for a grade but will be logged as Missing, Incomplete, Late or Complete Homework Quiz (over the homework but they cannot use their notebooks)
Grades Summative 80%- Unit Tests, Midterm, Final Formative 20%- Classwork Quizzes, Daily Assignments, In-Class Projects, and Homework Quizzes Skyward Updated on weekends (late )- Check on Monday
Math Help Monday- Friday 2:30-3:30 Open door policy however if they can send me an email or let me know they are coming will be helpful. Several Math links are located on my website.
Beaver Lake Middle School Teacher Website Beaver Lake Middle School http://www.blms.issaquah.wednet.edu Post daily work Post homework Provide Test and Quiz Dates ( I will also send an email through skyward one or two days before an Exam) Upload Important Documents Share Special Announcements Provide Math Links for extra practice and tutorials
Ways to contact me Email: walkerj@issaquah.wednet.edu Classroom Phone: Before and After School: 425-837-4120 Thank you for being here. It is going to be a great year!