Breaking Down Classroom Walls: Deliberate Faculty Engagement Delta College and Achieving the Dream Grant-Funded Initiative The Pioneer Year: Engaging (Adjunct) FACULTY in the Student Success Movement League for Innovation
Our Journey Together Share Facilitators will share their experiences in improving engagement between part-time and full-time faculty through AtD Adjunct Grant experience and Create Challenge participants to innovate, to plan for implementation, and to address roadblocks on the journey to foster culture change at their institution. Refine 1. Develop strategizes to better engage campus faculty in leadership and professional development. 2. Identify the specific administrative challenges to be addressed in order to grow change.
Mapping Your Campus Initiative X Destination: GOAL What campus culture would you like to change?
Assessing the Need: Delta in Brief Student population: Approximately 10,000 Steadily decreasing retention and admission Faculty 200+ Full Time and 300+ Part Time Adjunct Office removed from Disciplines Professional Development: Learning Days for Full Time Professional Development: Adjunct Academy Adjunct engagement: Divisions may or may not include in mTGS Concern over number of adjuncts hired/impact on full time Limited resources/money for faculty development Adjunct faculty teach at multiple campuses
Find the Data! Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Survey Results Community College Research Center (CCRC) 1.Lack of professional relationships with colleagues 2.Limited opportunity to attend professional development/conferences 3. Adjuncts: Fearful of making mistakes and feel disconnected 4. Less than 1/3 part timers attend Adjunct Academy 5. Faculty want to better service underserviced, struggling, and diverse students 6. Full time faculty reported concern over administration control of PD 7. Part time faculty 1/3 retirees, 1/3 practitioners, 1/3 seekers
Delta College Pioneer Year The First Frontier: Faculty Learning Circles The Next Frontier: Professional Repository The Final Frontier: Team Teaching Partnership
John Kotter 8 Steps to Leading Change 1. Create URGENCY. 2 John Kotter 8 Steps to Leading Change 1. Create URGENCY. 2. Form Team/Coalition. 3. Create Vision for Change. 4. Communicate Vision/Change. 5. Remove Obstacles. 6. Create Short Term Wins. 7. Build on Change. 8. Anchor Change to Campus Culture.
The Pioneer Year: A Closer Look at Delta’s Journey Create Vision for Change For Delta: February 2016 AtD Conference
The Pioneer Year: A Closer Look at Delta’s Journey Create Vision Change Form Team/Coalition For Delta: May-June 2016 Administration forms team
The Pioneer Year: A Closer Look at Delta’s Journey Create Vision Change Form a Team/Coalition Build on Change For Delta: 1) Summer 2016 TLNI Summer Institute 2) Fall 2016/Spring 2018 WORK! Aligning with Programs.
The Pioneer Year: A Closer Look at Delta’s Journey Create Vision Change Form a Team/Coalition Build on Change Remove Obstacles For Delta: Fall 2016/Spring 2018 Address Roadblocks
The Pioneer Year: A Closer Look at Delta’s Journey Create Vision Change Form a Team/Coalition Build on Change Remove Obstacles Communicate Vision/Change For Delta: Fall 2016/Spring 2018
Delta’s Roadblock Creating URGENCY. Anchor Change to Campus Culture.
Delta’s Wins! Our Team! Delta Force Our Vision! Short Term Wins.
Let’s Journey Together Vision for Change (Goal) Let’s Journey Together Vision for Change (Goal). Form your TEAM/Coalition. Know Your Culture: Obstacles to overcome. Think Communication.
Mapping Your Journey End points: Thinking we need to link deliberate conversations, opening classrooms/teaching, campus culture….
Appendix: The Pioneer Year Break Barriers: Collegiality DREAM Bigger: Collaboration Teach Smarter: Ownership
The Pioneer Year: Scaffold Approach to Professional Development The Pioneer Year: Engaging Faculty in a full year of embedded professional development: 1) Faculty Learning Circles 2) Repository Design 3) Team Teaching Partnership
Faculty Learning Circles BREAK BARRIERS: Collegiality The First Frontier: Faculty Learning Circles GOAL: To establish a networking system of trust and respect among faculty. Format: 8-12 faculty interact weekly in learning communities. Format includes F2F and D2L discussions. Facilitators drive the discussion with focus on participants’ goals, needs, interest. Use of research, collaborative planning, and open sharing shape the discussion.
Faculty Learning Circles Recognize and ADDRESS the Challenges CCRC/Delta Survey: Faculty reported: Lack of professional relationships with colleagues Limited opportunity to attend professional development offerings Adjuncts: fearful of making mistakes; feel disconnected from programs The Faculty Circles provide structured yet flexible opportunity for faculty to network and engage in professional discussions. The circles have a deliberate mix of seasoned, novice, full and part time instructors.
Faculty Learning Circles Celebrate the Successes: Faculty reported Faculty Learning Circles Celebrate the Successes: Faculty reported Circles created a feeling of solidarity Circles define professional development Circles open opportunity and networking Circles foster successful Team Teaching Partnerships Lessons Learned: The Faculty Circles allow faculty to engage with colleagues in a supported environment. By establishing goals, the faculty define their professional development path and this establishes clear ownership of the process.
Repository Design DREAM BIGGER: Collaboration The Next Frontier: Creating Professional Repository GOAL: To create a repository of professional materials identified and created by Delta College faculty. Format: Based upon the work conducted in the Learning Circles, faculty work in small teams to create artifacts related to the work completed during the discussions. The materials are placed on the Delta College Library website and are accessible by all Delta faculty and the general public.
Repository Design Recognizing and ADDRESSING the Challenges: CCRC/Delta Survey: Faculty reported: Limited opportunities to present/attend conferences Less than 1/3 adjuncts attend fall academy Faculty want to better service underserviced, struggling, and/or diverse student population but feel lack of preparedness. The Repository, in alignment with the Faculty Circles, provide faculty with a logical and easily accessible method to “publish” their work. The Repository was placed on Delta’s Library libguide in order to provide a single-stop site for faculty to attain professional resources. The repository includes topic articles, Delta-specific materials including syllabus, assignments, rubrics, and strategies for classroom adoption.
Repository Design Celebrate the Successes: Repository Design Celebrate the Successes: Faculty-driven professional development Creates “living” documents Aligns with Delta campus but adaptable to other campuses Strengthens initiatives and Streamlines processes Lessons Learned: Faculty thrive when the work is smart, practical, and useable. Delta faculty embraced the opportunity to share resources, and our repository reflects the efforts, energy, and commitment of our faculty to better engage students in success. Our repository includes: A Faculty Dictionary detailing the student service programs; Dual Enrollment; Title IX; Writing Across the Curriculum; Team Teaching Strategies; Use of Peer Review in the Classroom.
Team Teaching Partnerships TEACH SMARTER: Ownership The Final Frontier: Team Teaching Partnerships GOAL: To fully engage faculty in student success through collegiality, collaboration, support and shared classroom teaching. FORMAT: Two faculty participate full-time in a single course. Faculty collaborate on the course from course design, schedule, assignments, grading, class instruction, student assessment, and course review.
Team Teaching Partnerships Recognize and ADDRESS the Challenges: Team Teaching Partnerships Recognize and ADDRESS the Challenges: Shift in classroom dynamics Faculty resistance to change Institutionalizing: COSTS and Scheduling Use of the findings: provide incentives/may lead to dismissal The Team Teaching Partnerships (TTP), envisioned as the capstone as of the project, had amazing results. The required prerequisite, the Faculty Circles, provided a safe environment for faculty to exchange teaching philosophy, use of best practices, and interest in specific content.
Team Teaching Partnerships Celebrate the Successes Team Teaching Partnerships Celebrate the Successes Ability for faculty to learn from each other Exchange of ideas; innovation Increased time with students Ability to try new strategies, techniques, activities Self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, division support
Beyond the Final Frontier: Institutionalizing Professional Development Revitalize Delta Professional Development Rebrand and vision Delta Faculty Professional Development Continue to align project with current Delta initiatives Continue to design repository based upon faculty identified need Scale up: Increase faculty involvement
Delta Contact Information Betsy Christensen 998-686-9336