ECE ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Clerk: Lynn Miller - Liaisons: Cindy Simpson - Brian Franklin -
AAC CONSULT/SCREEN REQUEST Consultations/screens are available any time. Please contact our office via the following: Send an email to Cindy or Brian. Call the office at 434-2619.
PRIOR TO AAC CONSULT/SCREEN 1. If possible, the SLP should complete the TASP. 2. A questionnaire may be emailed to you to complete prior to the consult/screen. 3. An agreed upon day and time will be scheduled for the consult/screen to occur. Several days may be indicated.
DURING THE CONSULT/SCREEN 1. The student will be observed. 2. The AT liaison will work 1:1 with the student. 3. The SLP, teacher, and/or teacher assistants will be interviewed. AAC options will be discussed.
POST CONSULT/SCREEN 1. The AT liaison will provide a written AT consult/screen note. 2. The SLP/teachers/teacher assistants will trial AAC options with student. 3. The SLP/teachers/teacher assistants will monitor progress and follow up as this is critical for student success/communicative competence. 4. If the student receives a high tech dynamic display communication device to trial, the AT liaison will schedule a follow up consult with the student’s team members to review/analyze progress monitoring data. This is to facilitate utilization/prevent under utilization of the device.
MATERIALS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AT THE ECE TECHNOLOGY CENTER Large and small PECS books ProxTalkers Single message voice output devices (ie. BIGmack) Sequencers (ie. Step-By-Step) 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 20, and 32 message static voice output devices (some with scanning) Dynamic display voice output devices (ie. iPad with communication applications) 3 high tech dynamic display eye gaze devices (PRC & Tobii) Switches (including bluetooth wireless switches) Switch interfaces Eye gaze boards Large and small felt boards (bi-fold)