Perceptual Heuristics & Gestalt Principles of Perception Psychology 355: Cognitive Psychology Instructor: John Miyamoto 04/04/2018: Lecture 02-3 Note: This Powerpoint presentation may contain macros that I wrote to help me create the slides. The macros aren’t needed to view the slides. You can disable or delete the macros without any change to the presentation.
Outline Finish: The "mouse" versus "old man" experiment. Top-down influences on perception. Perceptual heuristics Gestalt principles of perception Psych 355,, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Question: What Did People See in the "Mouse" vs "Old Man" Experiment
LEFT SIDE saw Image 1a RIGHT SIDE saw Image 1b EVERYONE saw Image 2 Top Down Processing: What you see in Image 2 is influence by what you expect from Image 1. EVERYONE saw Image 2 Results of Classroom Experiment Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Results of the Classroom Experiment Left side of the room saw Image 1a only. Categorization of Image 2 by left side of the room: 29 saw “mouse” 0 saw “old man” Right side of the room saw Image 1b only. Categorization of Image 2 by right side of the room: 17 saw “mouse” 13 saw “old man” Image 1a Image 2 Image 1b Results exhibit influence of top-down processing: Prior exposure to mouse- like or man-like image influences interpretation of second image. Psych 355,, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Tomorrow’s Topics - END
Summary re Bottom Up & Top Down Processing What we see is usually the consequence of both top-down and bottom-up processing. Bottom up processes are data-driven - they are influenced by current stimulation. Top down processes fill in information that is not present in the actual stimulus; they are inferences or expectancies. Although cognitive theories must integrate theories of bottom-up and top-down processing, any particular study may focus on just one or the other. Outline: Remainder of this Lecture Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Outline: The Cognitive Side of Perception Unconscious inference is pervasive in perception Bottom Up & Top Down Processing -------- Previous ------------------------------------------------------- Inverse Projection Problem Perceptual heuristics Gestalt Principles of Perception: Some examples Preliminary topic to object perception Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Examples of Bottom Up Processing
Inverse Projection Problem Object could be created by the larger more distant rectangle or the tilted trapezoid. Inverse Project Problem: For any 2-dimensional image that is projected onto the retina, there are infinitely many different 3-dimensional shapes that could have produced that image. How does the mind decide which real-world shape actually produced the 2-dimensional projected image? 7 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Ambiguous Figures: The Ambiguous Box
Example: Ambiguous Image (Necker Cube) Do you experience competing interpretations of the image? (I.e., do you experience "Gestalt shifts in perception") Box viewed from above, versus Box viewed from below 8 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Same Image But With Circles that Indicate Change in Interpretation
Example: Ambiguous Image (Necker Cube) Do you experience competing interpretations of the image? (I.e., do you experience "Gestalt shifts in perception") Box viewed from above, versus Box viewed from below Ambiguous Figure: Young/Old Woman 9 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Example: Ambiguous Images Do you experience competing interpretations of the image? (a.k.a. "Gestalt shifts in perception") Young woman versus Old woman mouth * Old woman/young woman image was published in 1915 by the cartoonist, W. E. Hill. mouth Original Cartoon from which this Figure was Derived - Puck Magazine 10 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
"My Wife and My Mother-in-Law" According to Wikipedia ( British cartoonist William Ely Hill (1887–1962) published "My Wife and My Mother-in-Law "They are both in this picture — Find them". in Puck, an American humour magazine, on 6 November 1915, with the caption Psych 355,, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Inverse Problem – How Does the Visual System Decide What is 3-D Object?
How Does the Visual System Answer the Question: What Is the Real Object That Produces the Stimulation at the Retina? Basic answers: Bottom Up Processes The visual system uses cues for object relations that usually work (but the system can be fooled by a clever stimulus). Top Down Processes The visual system makes a variety of unconscious inferences (Helmoltz's idea). What Is a Heuristic? Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
What is a Heuristic? A heuristic is a simple reasoning strategy that is used to solve a problem, make a decision or form a judgment. Perceptual heuristic: A strategy in perceptual information processing that (typically) helps to determine the objective situation that produced the immediate sensations. Heuristics are shortcuts that are typically useful, even though they are occasionally misleading. Heuristics are often adaptive, but they can lead to systematic errors. Craters versus Mounds Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Example: Craters or Mounds? Typically Craters Typically Mounds “Light comes from above” assumption guides perception. Repeat this Slide with Ellipses that Pick Out Corresponding Craters and Bumps Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Example: Craters or Mounds? Typically Craters Typically Mounds “Light comes from above” is a perceptual heuristic. Why Idea of Unconscious Inference Is Important for Cog Psych Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
2-D Artwork That Looks Like 3-D (Sketch) Downloaded from: Work is attributed to: * See ‘E:\p355\IMAGES\’ for the image. Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
2-D Artwork That Looks Like 3-D (in the Finished Product) Downloaded from: * See ‘E:\p355\IMAGES\’ for the image. Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
The Ames Room According to Wikipedia ( The Ames Room was invented by an American ophthalmologist Adelbert Ames, Jr. in 1934. Static example of an Ames Room: Video of the Ames Room Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
A Video Example of the Ames Room Errol & Ricky: Where We Are Headed in the Perception Topic Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Where We Are Headed in the Perception Topic The point made by the previous slides: Our perceptual system solves the inverse projection problem by applying various perceptual heuristics. Perceptual heuristics are strategies that provide “best guesses” about the stimulus object. Next: Gestalt Principles of Perception Gestalt Principles of Perception Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
The Gestalt Approach Emerged in early 20th century in response to structuralism. (Structuralism claimed that perception was bottom up – it was built up from simple, atomistic sensations.) Basic question of the Gestalt approach to perception: What principles govern the grouping of the components of a perceptual stimulus into an object or organized group of objects? Gestalt principles are sometimes called heuristics— these principles produce “best guesses” about the stimulus object. A heuristic is a “rule of thumb” that provides a best-guess solution to a problem. Gestalt laws do not always result in accurate perceptions of the environment. Contrast with algorithm, which is a procedure that is guaranteed to solve a problem. Principle of Similarity 21 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Gestalt Principle of Similarity Similar things are grouped together. Similarity in lightness, shape, color, size, and orientation cause grouping. a a a a a a a a b c d e f g b b b b b b b a b c d e f g c c c c c c c a b c d e f g d d d d d d d a b c d e f g e e e e e e e a b c d e f g f f f f f f f a b c d e f g g g g g g g g a b c d e f g (looks like rows) (looks like columns) Principle of Good Continuation Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Gestalt Principle of Good Continuation Connected points result in smoothly curving lines. Points are seen as they belong together. Lines follows smooth path. Figure-Ground Principle Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Figure-Ground Principle and the Principle of Smallness Face is Face is background foreground Figure/ground Principle – Ambiguous Figure The famous faces/vase figure. Principle of Smallness implies that we should see vases on the left and faces on the right Escher Print #1 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Figure-Ground Example Downloaded from allery/A41L.html Maurits Cornelis Escher Dutch graphics artist 1898 - 1972 Figure-ground problem: Separation of object from background Escher Print #2 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Another Figure-Ground Example Downloaded from Principle of Common Fate Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Gestalt Principle: Common Fate Principle of common fate: Things that are moving in the same direction at a similar speed appear to be grouped together. Go to website: The common fate principle can be seen in the perception of biological motion. The groups of lines or shapes are only visible as a group when they are moving together. This website tries to identify different aspects of biological motion that serve as cues for male versus female; heavy versus light; nervous versus relaxed. P 355, Miyamoto, Winter '09 27 Examples of Gestalt Principle in Visual Design 27 Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Examples of Gestalt Principles in the World of Visual Design Principle of similarity implies that we see the three left figures as a group. Thus the right figure is an exception (anomaly) so it stands out. Principle of continuation: We "see" the motion of the leaf. Principle of Figure/Ground Principle of Simplicity Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18 What Gestalt Principles are Present in Image of Woman at Beach?
Goldstein Figure 3.21 What Gestalt principles are used here to create the illusion of a semi- transparent woman? Principle of Good Continuation Principle of Similarity Figure 3.21 Waves by Wilma Hurskainen Same Slide without the Red Arrows Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18
Goldstein Figure 3.21 What Gestalt principles are used here to create the illusion of a semi- transparent woman? Principle of Good Continuation Principle of Similarity Figure 3.21 Waves by Wilma Hurskainen Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18 Summary: Gestalt Principles of Perception - END
Summary – Gestalt Principles of Perception Phenomenological support Experimental evidence – image segmentation (Not discussed in this lecture) Gestalt laws are perceptual heuristics Gestalt laws help to explain how the visual system solves the inverse projection problem (infer a specific reality from ambiguous inputs). Important in the theory of object percption Perceptual heuristics often work in combination with Gestalt principles of perception. END Psych 355, Miyamoto, Spr '18