The First Grade 411 Fostering Independence Teaching the “Whole Child” Literature in the Library Health Room Habits
Developing Problem Solvers in and out of the classroom
Developing Responsibility Teaching children to be problem solvers Independence Active Listening Stamina The difference between HOME LIFE and SCHOOL LIFE
Teaching the Whole Child Bucket Fillers Communicate feelings using a bug & a wish The Act of an apology Paws for Pride Part of our job as educators is to help your child develop socially and emotionally. In every part of our day, we are helping them understand school life. Here are a few things that we use in the school setting that you may want to use at home or in your child’s social circles. -We want children to fill buckets for the sake of doing something positive – NOT just to be recognized. We want students to know that it feels good to be recognized, but the act of doing something kind makes hearts feel happy & that’s why we should do it. -Bug and a wish – communicate to others when they dip into your bucket -Act of an apology – I’m sorry for… ________. When they verbalize what they have done it has more of an impact and students are less likely to do it again.
Health Room Habits Health Room Visits (When & Why) Emergency visits vs. non-emergency visits Healthy Snack/Lunch = Stronger thinkers! Sickness/allergies
Coming up next… Reading at Home Presented by: Mrs. Yuknus Mrs. Williamson Mrs. Hasson Miss Casselli