Journal #58 List the instruments used to measure lower atmospheric conditions: List the the instruments used to measure upper atmospheric conditions:


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Presentation transcript:

Journal #58 List the instruments used to measure lower atmospheric conditions: List the the instruments used to measure upper atmospheric conditions:

Today, we will interpret weather maps.

Forecasting the Weather Predicting the weather has challenged people for years. Some people attempted to forecast the weather by suing the position of the moon and stars. Scientific weather forecasting began with the invention of basic weather instruments, such as thermometer and the barometer. The National Weather Service began in 1970 and was used to exchange weather data with other nations around the world.

Global Weather Monitoring Weather observers at stations around the world report weather conditions frequently, sometimes hourly. They record the barometric pressure and how it has changed as well as the speed and direction of surface wind. They measure precipitation, temperature and humidity. They record the type, amount and height of cloud cover.

Weather Maps The data that weather stations collect are transferred onto weather maps. Weather maps allow meteorologists to understand the current weather and to predict future weather events. To communicate weather data on a weather map, meteorologists use symbols and colors.

Weather Symbols Pg 616

What is the cloud cover in Dallas? What is the wind speed (knots) in Ralins? Albuquerque? What is the wind direction in Phoenix? What is the wind direction in Albuquerque?

What is the cloud cover in Lubbock? What is the wind speed (knots) in Casper? What is the wind direction in El Paso? What is the wind direction in Dallas?

Plotting Temperature and Pressure Scientists use lines on weather maps to connect points of equal measurement. Isobars connect points of equal atmospheric pressure. Isobars form circles to indicate centers of high or low pressure. Centers that are marked with an H represent high pressure. Centers that are marked with an L represent low pressure.

Plotting Fronts and Precipitation Areas of precipitation are commonly marked by using colors or symbols. Different forms of precipitation are represented by different colors and symbols as well. For example, the weather map may indicate light rain by using light green, while snow is represented by gray and white.

Types of Forecasts Meteorologists make four types of forecasts: Nowcasts- use radar to focus on timing precipitation or tracking severe weather. Daily forecasts- predict weather conditions for a 48- hour period. Extended forecasts- look ahead 3-7 days Medium range forecasts- look ahead 8-14 days Long range forecasts- cover monthly and seasonal periods.

Severe Weather Watches and Warnings One main goal of meteorology is to reduce the amount of destruction caused by severe weather by forecasting severe weather early. When meteorologists forecast severe weather, they issue warnings and watches. A watch is issued when the conditions are ideal for sever weather. A warning is given when severe weather has been spotted or is expected within 24 hours.

Your Assignment Create a weather map of fictional natural disaster that is taking place in California (coastal or inland). Include the following in the weather map: The type of severe weather that is approaching the coast Where and when the storm is anticipated to take place Label the fronts that formed Symbols: temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and cloud coverage for at least 3 nearby cities Key to explain what each symbol means