MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050 MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Milton Keynes- Future shape? Marston Moretaine Action Group 18 April 2009 Bob Wilson - Development Plans Manager MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050 MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing The statutory planning system requires every local planning authority to prepare a Core Strategy to guide change, planning policy and decisions Core Strategy Briefing MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing What is a Core Strategy ? Overall vision Strategic objectives Delivery strategy Strategic sites Infrastructure requirements Most appropriate strategy MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
Core Strategy Briefing MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing What is a Core Strategy? Conformity with RSS, PPSs ... Sustainable Community Strategy 15 year horizon Evidence Engagement Effectiveness Core Strategy Briefing MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing How did we get here? Growth Strategy June 06 Issues and Options Dec 06 Preferred Options Sept 07 Submission Version June 09 MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Core Strategy and the South East Plan SEP Proposed Changes (July 2008) South East SDA – part in Mid Beds Proposed SDA east of the M1 MKC position (Oct 2008) Core Strategy – proposed approach Given changes in legislation and SE Plan and following discussions with Govt office: MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Introduction, Vision and Objectives Sets the scene Key themes and issues Vision based on MK2031 Growth Strategy MK specific Clear statement about East of the M1: OPPOSE at this stage. So rather than 46,960 homes now propose 41,360. 41,360 from: Urban area 34,160 (existing commitments from completions, l plan allocations and p permissions) SE SDA 4,800 Rural area 2,400 MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050 MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Spatial Strategy SE SDA 4,800 then SW SDA 5,360 (AVale) MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
Core Strategy Briefing Spatial Strategy KEY DIAGRAM MILTON KEYNES BOROUGH Settlement hierarchy 3 key settlements then 3 selected villages, And shape of the main urban area is almost a parallelogram!! Key Settlements, Selected Villages MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050 9
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Spatial Strategy Key elements: Strategic Development Areas Central Milton Keynes Other Areas of Change The Rural Area 3 dimensional shape for MK although some more landmarks needed around the city MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing South East Strategic Development Areas Cross boundary working Principles of development Development requirements Service delivery Red area at Wavendon reflects open space (p fields) MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Eco towns MKC response to consultation paper (Cabinet report 24 June): Should progress through development plan process Assumptions about non car use unrealistic Proposal will not be self contained Timescale unrealistic Standards should apply to all new development Pressure on health, higher education, cultural facilities etc. Picture from DCLG doc shows housing from Harlow MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Eco towns MKC response : Delegated decision 26 Feb 2009 Eco-towns should be considered, assessed and progressed within the development plan system rather than outside it We will keep a watching brief on proposals for the Marston Vale and have the opportunity to comment on them formally through the East of England Plan process. An example of sustainable housing in Oxley park MK MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing What happens next? 2 June 09 Cabinet 9 June 09 Full Council July / Sept 09 Start “Pre-submission consultation” December 09 Submit to SoS March 2010 Examination Oct 2010 Adoption MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050
MK Growth - Core Strategy Briefing Where can I see a copy? Intranet > Committees > Local Development Framework Advisory Group Papers for 20 April meeting Contact: MMETAG Conference - Marston Vale 2050